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General News    H3'ed 6/25/10

Voting News: The Game of Electoral Fraud. Michigan ends voter purges. Riverside ballot limbo

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Message Joyce McCloy
MN: Can't make the Aug. 10 primary? Vote now
Voters who will be on vacation, working out of state or otherwise unable to go to their polling places Aug. 10 can cast absentee ballots in person during regular business hours at their county auditor's office and some city clerk's offices

MN: eVoter Minnesota Launches With Start of Absentee Ballot Filing
New Web Resource Offers Voters August 10, 2010 Primary Election Information.

'Trust-us Elections' in the 'Show-Me State'
http://www.bradblog.com/?p=7914 On Tuesday, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch published an OpEd by Cynthia Richards and Phillip Michaels of the non-partisan election integrity organization Missourians For Honest Elections.

NC: Wendell Fant Won't Run as Independent for U.S. House in North Carolina
http://www.ballot-access.org/2010/06/25/wendell-fant-wont-run-as-independent-for-u-s-house-in-north-carolina/ On June 25, Wendell Fant, the first person in the history of North Carolina government-printed ballots to qualify as an independent candidate for U.S. House, said he will not run.

ND: Stenehjem says law backs putting Libertarian on ballot
Secretary of State Al Jaeger's paperwork mistake shouldn't keep a Libertarian candidate for the state Public Service Commission off the November ballot, Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem said Thursday.

NJ: Investigators probe overturned election(mail-in ballots)
click here
_Investigators_probe_overturned_election.html http://is.gd/d49GE
State investigators questioned Passaic County Democratic Chairman John Currie this week about the 49 uncounted votes that, discovered 21 days after the city's municipal election, reversed the election's results.

NY: Manorhaven Village Election Goes Into Recount* (write in vote issues)
click here . Currently, the election results for trustees and mayor have gone into a recount after a considerable write-in effort created a close vote.
Giovanna Giunta stated that she has compiled about one hundred sworn affidavits that have been signed and notarized from people who said they had difficulty voting for the Revival Party, which she believes cost her party votes votes a recount would not find. She said that these people came to her to express the difficulties they faced with the voting machines and agreed to write and sign an affidavit.

TX: ELB: "Texas judge blocks Green Party from ballot":AP offers this report. Political Wire also offers Perry Aide Pa... http://bit.ly/deC60l

TX: New Voter Registration Project Targets Harris County
http://www.texastribune.org/texas-politics/texas-political-news/voter-registration-project-targets-harris-county/ The ethics reform lobbyist and campaign finance lawyer has launched a new nonpartisan voter registration drive that targets what he calculates are the 600,000 unregistered adult citizens there out of about 2.3 million who are eligible to vote.

TX: Houston Votes 2010 PSA
Houston's Creative Get Out The Vote Video

WV: Lincoln Election Case Headed to Circuit Court
County Commissioners recuse themselves from hearing case.
HAMLIN -- An allegation of voter fraud will now go court.

Internet Vote Watch

Why I Don't Trust Online Voting
Every fall, we start to hear about a bigger push for online voting for our major elections. I am one of those in the category of being firmly against online voting. There is too much room for things to go dreadfully wrong, with even less hope of fixing a problem if one occurs.

DC: Voters can soon send secret ballot from overseas
Washington voters who are overseas during an election - many of them military - will soon be able to vote by online secret ballot.

Oprah Winfrey Network Investigating Vote Rigging in Contest for Next TV Star
Thursday, the network confirmed to ABC that it had launched an investigation after several websites pointed out an unusual surge in votes for Tucker-Wicks.



...even when opposition parties have no military capacity to win a revolt, opposition unity and a consequent threat of massive civil disobedience can compel autocrats to hold clean elections and leave office by triggering splits within the state apparatus and the defection of the armed forces.

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Editor of the Voting News. The Voting News is a free national newsletter about election integrity issues, voting machines, election fraud, voter access and legislation in United States and international news.

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