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General News    H3'ed 9/28/10

Voting News: Travis TX judge nixes paper ballots. Philippine source code disclosure ordered

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Message Joyce McCloy
NY: Millman Voting Machine Bill Becomes Law
BROOKLYN -- Last week, the Governor signed into law a bill introduced by Assemblywoman Joan L. Millman. The bill, A. 8692 (in the Senate, S. 5447), gives local boards of election the authority to ensure poll sites have an adequate amount of voting machines, poll workers and other resources.

OH: Counties can mail absentee ballots, judge rules
http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2010/09/27/absentee-case-web.html?sid=101 Franklin, Cuyahoga and certain other counties are mailing absentee-ballot applications to every active voter and providing return postage to send back the completed ballots in some cases but not all 88 counties are doing that.

RI: R.I. Supreme Court to review Russo's complaint
The complaint in part seeks to halt the printing of Nov. 2 election ballots without a name for a GOP candidate for lieutenant governor until the court completes its review. It asks that the court review whether there should be a blank on the ballot for the GOP nominee for lieutenant governor

TN: Shelby County expands whistleblower law, but leaves out reference to elections
"What kind of message does it send to say, 'Yeah, we talked about protection to election whistleblowers but we took that out?'" Mulroy asked during the meeting.

TN: E-mail eases voting for military and others overseas
"Now what they can do is they can e-mail the request and we can e-mail the ballot out to them which they print out and mail back to us,"

TX: Travis County (Texas) judge says NO to paper ballots this November"

WA: Spin Control: Cooler head prevails in voter fraud probe
http://www.spokesman.com/stories/2010/sep/26/cooler-head-prevails-in-voter-fraud-probe/ Christensen didn't remember voting twice. But unfortunately for the recent Marine Corps retiree who left the service in 2008 after his second tour in Iraq, he couldn't definitively say he didn't.

He was charged with "making a false declaration as a voter," a class C felony.

Christensen's story isn't a story of Chicago-style ballot box stuffing, but an example of how efforts to make it easier to register and vote can contribute to confusion and possibly bad balloting.

WV: Dispute over W.Va. ballot strains supplier
A Spencer company that programs and prints the state's ballot stock is awaiting the outcome of a dispute over the ballot for the Nov. 2 general and special U.S. Senate elections.

Casto & Harris faces an Oct. 5 deadline to deliver ballots to county clerks. President John Denbigh told the Charleston Daily Mail that there's no time for a protracted legal battle.

Internet Voting Watch

Canada: City voters won't be marking 'X' on paper
http://recorder.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2775365 Brockville...Rather, this electronic election will give people three options for exercising their democratic duty: the Internet, the telephone or a touchscreen at help stations in either of two locations in the city.


Overseas Vote Foundation AK, MI, VI overseas voters: Want to #vote in Nov.? Oct. 3 is your Registration deadline. See all state deadlines here:http://ht.ly/2KFGV

DoD Announces Absentee Voting Week

The Persistence of Partisan Election Administration
This state of affairs is directly contrary to an emerging international consensus that election administrators should be insulated from partisan politics

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Editor of the Voting News. The Voting News is a free national newsletter about election integrity issues, voting machines, election fraud, voter access and legislation in United States and international news.

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