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We are Being Tracked by the Banks: What to Do

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Message Kathryn Smith
Ahhh, how nice, BofA.

There's just one problem with this.

"The right of the people to be secure in their houses, persons, papers and effects SHALL not be violated" (emphasis added) ----4th amendment, US Constitution

 Dear friends and readers, here is a request.

Please write to Bank of America and bitterly complain.

Please write scathing letters to the editor and show BofA your printed letter, and which exact newspaper it was printed in. (You could even use a pen name to do this).

Let's expose these banks (because BofA is not the only one which is complying with the Patriot Act) and get them for all that they're worth! How dare they endanger us this way? And they know what they are doing: My experience working at the bank is living proof!  

When the whereabouts and monetary transactions of *all* Americans is tracked at *all* times, what's next?

What is the intention here?

Is this really all about tracking down terrorists? Yeah right. Tracking *all* Americans is really helpful to hunting down terrorists? Yeah, sure sure.

Guilty until proven innocent, eh? Americans are terrorists? What's up with this?

How can tracking 300 million people possibly narrow things down to terrorists? Won't it only keep things so busy that there is simply no time to track down the real crooks? To anybody who innocently believes that the intentions here are good, I have to say "come on, think about it". Hey, and I am a person who is always looking for the silver lining in every cloud!  

Time to shoot these entities down. It's  OUR money they are toying with. It's THEIR freedom which THEY will lose one day too. And it's THEIR liability which is on the line, because after all if some receipt goes floating in the breeze and some creep picks it up, it would be BofA's fault (and all other participating banks' faults) if armed robberies occur in ever-increasing numbers.

Let's get them where it counts: Their liability!

Please write storms of letters to the editors. Reproach the banks in public, hold them to their liability, let it be known that they are endangering us, quote the 4th amendment and let's put pressure on them to stop this frivolous toying with our privacy, and our safety, while we pay them for it.

Thank you all for your help.

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This quote summarizes the nature of my concerns and the content of personal experiences which stir my activism: "Necessity is the plea for every infringement on human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves". --Paul (more...)
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