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General News    H3'ed 10/23/10

Wikileaks documents confirm Tom Fox died for our sins

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Henry Porter
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Most of the links in my original pieces have been wiped away and all of this criminal activity -- done in our name, with our money, by our government, enabled by our silence, and pardoned by our indifference -- is washed down the memory hole like blood from a crime scene after they hose down the sidewalk.

Even President Obama enables this whitewash when he plays the role of America's Lot and tells us "...we need to look forward as opposed to looking backwards." I'm sorry Mr. President, but I can't take that journey with you. I have not mastered Umberto Eco's Ars Oblivionalis, the Dark Art of Forgetting. I cannot ignore the bitter taste memory leaves in my mouth. I know it will never go away as long as we shut our eyes to the fact we are covered in blood.

ADDENDUM: Some may find this claim hard to swallow. When these stories were hot topics in 2005, all three of the reporters who covered it were murdered.

Steve Vincent (New York Time), Yasser Salihee (Knight Ridder) and Fakher Haider (New York Times).

All three journalists have this in common: That was the last story these journalists covered before they were shot to death in Iraq in 2005.

All the links have been wiped clean. In response to a comment questioning this claim, I used the Way Back Machine to find the original stories and offer them to anyone else who doubts the veracity of this claim. Here they are:

  1. Steve Vincent's story
  1. Yasser Salihee's story


  1. Fakher Haider's story

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For starters, I am not the Henry Porter who writes for the Observer in Britain. I'm a native New Yorker living in Maryland. I used to believe knowledge was power. Now I know knowledge translated into action is power.
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