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Life Arts    H3'ed 7/7/11

Will Capitalism Leave Lasting Scars?

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For me, this viewpoint smacks of Freudian junk science and what Michael Parenti refers to as "psychohistory" in his 1999 History as Mystery. Decades of behavioral research refute Freud's early twentieth century hypothesis that adults are locked into re-enacting their childhood history by unconscious thoughts and feelings they can't recall. Research in learning theory, a field pioneered by Pavlov and Skinner, has repeatedly demonstrated that adult behavior is far more responsive to real life contingencies (e.g. poverty and stress) than to early childhood events.

All available research suggests that poor nutrition during gestation and early childhood, chronic industrially related illnesses (cancer, Alzheimer's, autoimmune diseases, etc) and environmental toxins with central nervous system effects -- fluoride, industrial toxins and nuclear and microwave radiation (from cellphones and WiFi) -- will likely have serious and long lasting effects on human functioning in a post-capitalist world. However most research findings support my thirty-plus years of clinical experience -- that human beings are incredibly resilient and dynamic animals who readily adapt to a changing environment, even in extremely dire circumstances.

That being said, it seems safe to speculate that the first century of post-capitalism will involve major infrastructure changes -- to ensure food and other essential resources are more equitably allocated and to systematically remove toxins from the food chain, water supply, air and human beings. All historical evidence suggests that major transitional periods are associated with major political and social instability.

However I also believe that natural safeguards fundamental to a post-capitalism participatory democracy -- in which citizens themselves run government and workers their place of work -- that will offer protection against the most brutal after effects of class society. In my mind the following will be the most important in eliminating the major social problems that plague contemporary western society:

  1. An end to the domination/exploitation paradigm that allows a ruling elite to "conquer" and brutally exploit (and where necessary destroy or exterminate) nature and other human beings.
  2. A restoration of the "natural" extended family and social networks that have been destroyed as a result of the domination/exploitation paradigm and which human beings require (based on their biological programing) for optimal functioning.
  3. The replacement of hierarchical governance (both in the workplace and society at large) with governance via consensus decision-making.

As complex biological organisms, human beings will always be at risk for making impulsive decisions clouded by emotion and superstition. However they will be at a far lower risk in settings where they enjoy optimal nutrition and physical and mental health. Even more important, decisions affecting groups and communities are always safer if made by group consensus, rather than a few corporate CEOs, whose only interest is protecting the stock price.


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I am a 63 year old American child and adolescent psychiatrist and political refugee in New Zealand. I have just published a young adult novel THE BATTLE FOR TOMORROW (which won a NABE Pinnacle Achievement Award) about a 16 year old girl who (more...)
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