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Anthrax-The biggest smoking gun of all?

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Message James Dorman
The anthrax came from The US Military Industrial complex, and it wasn't stolen then worked up in a former employees little lab. "For nearly a decade, U.S. Army scientists at Dugway Proving Ground in Utah have made small quantities of weapons-grade anthrax that is virtually identical to the powdery spores used in the mail attacks that have killed five people, government sources say. Dugway's production of weapons-grade anthrax, which has never before been publicly revealed, is apparently the first by the U.S. government since President Richard M. Nixon ordered the U.S. offensive biowarfare program closed in 1969. Scientists estimate that the letter sent to Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle originally contained about 2 grams of anthrax, about one-sixteenth of an ounce, or the weight of a dime. But its extraordinary concentration - in the range of 1 trillion spores per gram - meant that the letter could have contained 200 million times the average dose necessary to kill a person.

Dugway's weapons-grade anthrax has been milled to achieve a similar concentration, according to one person familiar with the program.The concentration exceeds that of weapons anthrax produced by the old U.S. offensive program or the Soviet biowarfare program, according to Dr. Richard O. Spertzel, who worked at Detrick for 18 years and later served as a United Nations bioweapons inspector in Iraq". "The DNA sequence of the anthrax sent through the US mail in 2001 has been revealed and confirms suspicions that the bacteria originally came from a US military laboratory.”

So who are the terrorists that launched an attack using WMD, a week after 9/11? The FBI knows. "The US army has been producing anthrax in a powdered form suitable for use as a weapon, it was discovered during the FBI's investigation of the spate of letters containing the deadly spores. But the army denied yesterday that the strain it had developed was the one that has so far caused five deaths. Officers at the army's Dugway proving ground in Utah confirmed in a statement that scientists there had been turning wet anthrax into a powdered form". It's a proven fact the US Government is the source and is a proven fact that the US Government makes powdered weaponized anthrax. "It is the first time the army has acknowledged that it has been producing anthrax powder. Officers said that the powdered form was produced for testing defenses against the spores in the event of a biological warfare attack. The statement said that anthrax had also been developed in aerosol form. Dugway, which is assisting the FBI in its investigation, is the US army's main testing station and has been able to produce the powdered form of anthrax since 1992".

Isn't it reassuring that the only known source of making the type of anthrax that was used, is assisting the FBI in it's investigation of finding the source of the anthrax? "At first the anthrax letters were linked to the events of September 11, and Iraq was named as a possible suspect, but now the FBI believe that it is more likely to be an American who is responsible. 

The FBI said that no individual associated with Dugway was being investigated.” Of course not! If the FBI was to solve this case, it would prove to the world that the US violates bioweapons treaties and prove to its citizens that they live under a terrorist state.

Well, now the FBI in a new report wants you to believe that this was just ordinary ol' anthrax that could have come from anywhere. This is a real quote from this news report "It is believed to have been a common anthrax strain and had not been processed to make it more deadly. Even so, the anthrax was still deadly." It wasn't processed to be deadly but was anyway? Remember postal workers died just from handling the equipment these letters ran through. "According to a new report, the 2001 attacks which killed five people and made 17 humans ill, used common anthrax, not military grade anthrax. As it was thought at the time that military grade anthrax was used" This is a blatant and obvious lie, but that’s what guilty people do, they lie. The FBI has also refused to brief members of congress on their phony investigation. Senator Chuck Grassley had this to say in a letter to the FBI. "We're seeing more and more agencies thwart the Constitutional responsibility of Congress. Unfortunately, the FBI’s refusal to provide briefings to Congress following the 2001 anthrax attacks appears to be the rule rather than the exception," Grassley said. "In one of the most important terrorism investigations ever undertaken by the FBI, it is unbelievable to me that members of Congress, some who were targets of the anthrax attacks, haven’t been briefed for years." Congressman Rush Holt added this, "The FBI's refusal to brief Congress on this matter is unprecedented and inexcusable," said Rep. Holt. "The anthrax attacks harmed the heath and livelihoods of my constituents and paralyzed the government and national commerce. All Americans deserve to know why this five-year investigation has made so little progress." 33 members of congress signed a letter addressed to former Attorney General Gonzalez demanding to know what is going on with the investigation.

But our dictator doesn't think that's a good idea. And he's a smart guy; after all, he seemed to know that there might be an anthrax attack when 9/11 happened, since he and the Whitehouse staff starting taking cipro, the anthrax antidote on 9/11, 7 days before the first anthrax letter was mailed. "The FBI’s investigation seems to have dead-ended, and frankly, that is not very reassuring given their performance with the September 11th hijackers," stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman. "One doesn’t simply start taking a powerful antibiotic for no good reason. The American people are entitled to know what the White House staffers knew nine months ago, " he added. {Q}

Which brings up the point I started with. If the US Government is behind the Anthrax attacks, and from the evidence, it is obvious. Then 9/11 was indeed an inside job. No one punished or even reprimanded, but instead promoted for their "failures,” on 9/11 and no arrests from the anthrax attacks that immediately followed. This is just one of the many smoking guns lying around.



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