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Is It Really ADHD?

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Message Kenneth Thomas
In my 29 years of experience as a registered nurse, I have learned to carefully observe a patient's symptoms. Subtle changes in skin color, respiratory pattern and mental status are important indicators.

If an elderly person doesn't remember what day of the week it is, that symptom could be taken as an indicator of Alzheimer's disease or dementia. However, such an indicator can also be a precursor of infection or other genuine, verifiable physical illness. Quick onset of confusion or behavior change is a well-known symptom of an infection to those of us working in the nursing-home settings. While we do respond to their symptoms, conscientious professionals do not just
medicate without real evidence of what is happening with the patient. Lab test are done to confirm our suspicions and the correct antibiotic is prescribed AFTER proper medical testing is done.

It is appalling that a child can be prescribed mind-altering, potentially deadly drugs for ADHD with no certainty that they even have an illness. The practice of psychiatry diverges greatly from science of medicine. Objective medical testing is not required before treatment is prescribed.

If ADHD is a physical illness, how can it be that a psychologist can diagnosis it? Would a psychologist diagnose heart disease, diabetes or cancer? This may be undeniable proof that "mental illness" is not physical in nature.

The public must demand full informed consent in the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of "mental illness". Patients must be given complete testing and competent medical care. Full informed consent would include the true statement that "mental illness" like ADHD may be caused by genuine physical illness and is treatable by medical, non-psychiatric means. It would inform patients and parents that a label of "mental illness" can be a permanent mark on a person's record and may bar them from certain career choices. Also, full informed consent would let parents know that the drugs themselves create a whole new set of problems and dangers, and can cause irreversible damage to the physically, emotionally and mentally developing child.

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Kenneth W. Thomas is a Registered Nurse with 29 years of experience working in critical care units, emergency rooms, medical-to-surgical units, and psychiatric units. He has written several popular articles which have been published worldwide, (more...)
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