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The Great Projection

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Message Kris Malmquist

Who among us would not gladly trade in his present dreary miserable existence for one promising eternal happiness? What if I told you that you can easily exchange your suffering for joy, your anger and frustration for peace and happiness, simply by changing your mind about what it is that you hope to see? What if I told you that you can trade in your dark, blind and miserable view of the world for one that is light and pleasing to behold?  

Let’s put away our vain imaginings and part the curtain we’ve placed before our eyes so we can see the world that has escaped our vision until now Let’s listen in silence to the ancient sound of peace in our hearts, a peace so firm that the world cannot intrude upon it. While the present is the only time there is, our peace is eternal. We must become one with the Source of our very existence; this Source is a creative and constructive force that knows not of death and destruction. 

We were created by a Thought of God. This thought has not left us, and still abides with us. Let us exchange our blindness for the seeing eyes of our Source and let our minds not deny the thoughts of God. These thoughts protect us, care for us and smooth our way, lighting our minds with happiness and love. Let our minds not deny the thoughts of our Creator.  

Our thoughts are gifts, given to us by our loving Father to rescue us from the insane world we dwell in. We must not squander these gifts by allowing our focus to become distracted elsewhere by the world’s interruptions. We are mindful that, even if we wanted to, we could not forget these thoughts; but we can delay their acknowledgement.  They remain forever in our minds, though we may deny them for a time from our consciousness.  

We must each ask ourselves the question, “What kind of world do I want to see?” Then sit back and watch the big projector screen play it out for us. If this concept sounds a little too good to be true, my advice is that before you dismiss it completely, try it! What do you have to lose? Would any of us not gladly trade our own sour view of the world for one that offers us the hope of escaping our present terrifyingly gloomy condition? 

A remarkable feature about this offer to exchange our dismal and depressing perspectives of the world for one offering us unlimited happiness instead is that it comes with a complete money-back guarantee. Try it for a few days. If you’re not completely satisfied, simply return any unused thoughts to the company and they will cheerfully reimburse you for 100% of the cost of your thoughts. No questions asked. But hurry, this offer is for a limited time. Let’s face it – we could all be dead tomorrow! 

Still not convinced of the power of this miracle cure? Still think it’s too good to be true – kind of like Crazy (His Prices Are INSANE) Eddy offering to give you a giant, high-definition plasma screen TV, complete with Dolby surround sound, all for free? Well don’t take my word for it, try it for yourself! I’m convinced that once you do, my friend, you will agree with me that this is the real deal! Within a matter of days you’ll be feeling and looking pounds lighter and your friends will all be wondering what has gotten into you. 

Still not convinced? Okay, tell ya what I’m gonna do….. For a limited time, I am extending this offer to you with the promise that, if you’re not completely delighted with the results, I will personally match your refund and reimburse you another 100% of the cost for your thoughts. Think about it. That’s almost like getting paid to think 

So don’t delay. Try it today, because like the guy in the old Alka-Seltzer commercial says, “Try it. You like it!”

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Aka "Peace Brother", I am a health professional and writer interested in promoting global peace and justice.
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