Call your Representative, of whatever party, and urge him to stop WW III by impeaching Cheney. The Capitol switchboard # is 202-224-3121. Tell your Rep to cosponsor HR 333.
If we flood the House with calls for Cheney's impeachment, they'll have to pay attention. Tell them that Cheney wants to start WW III. Even corrupt Representatives will see the wisdom in removing him from office ASAP.
Be hysterical. Life on planet earth may be at stake. Tell your friends and relatives to call. Send this to your elist.
Don't buy into the evil rapture cult. They're providing heretical, satanic theology to justify a nuclear armageddon. They're attempting to mislead us to destruction.
The true rapture is about bringing God's kingdom- of love, truth, justice, mercy, peace- to earth. It's not about going off with Jesus on a mushroom cloud. They tell us we'll be "left behind" to demoralize and paralyze us. It's demonic, the opposite of the love that Jesus teaches. Don't buy it.
Deut 30: 19"I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants."
Call your Congressperson and tell them God wants us to choose life, and beg him/her to cosponsor HR 333, to impeach Cheney.
Once Cheney's gone, it'll be easier to impeach Bush and get some sanity back into government.
202-224-3121- call the Capitol switchboard and plead, demand, that your Rep save us from WW III by impeaching Cheney. Beg your Rep to cosponsor HR 333.
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman
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