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Rank and File Find Anti-Union Ads Rank and Foul

By Dean Powers  Posted by Dean Powers (about the submitter)       (Page 2 of 3 pages) Become a premium member to see this article and all articles as one long page.   No comments
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Berman is a lobbyist for the types of industries you wouldn't want to meet in a dimly lit alley: tobacco, alcohol, etc...

The "facts" that the Center so helpful provides on its website run from absurd to delusional.

Here's one of their "facts" from the "In the News" section:

Note the authoritative source providing this well-researched, bullet-proof fact: some genius who wrote a letter to the editor. Wow.

To provide some background here, Big Business is so worried about the Employee Free Choice Act actually passing the Senate with a Democratic president, they're sweating it like the men's room attendant when Sen. Larry Craig walked in.

The bill would make it nearly impossible for anti-union lawyers and their clients (typically major CEOs) to intimidate employees who are trying to unionize, by making authorization cards a legitimate means to establishing a unionized workplace--50 percent of the workers plus one sign authorization cards and you have a union.

Under EFCA "Union thugs can go to a worker's home," the irate Floridian writes, "threaten him and his family with bodily or financial harm to force him to sign an irrevocable Union Authorization Card."

I was a little skeptical about this assertion; I mean, you might never find a job in Siberia if you put something like this into a bill, let alone get re-elected. So I read the language of the Employee Free Choice Act, but sure enough the author is correct.

"Section 2 - Streamlining Union Certification

(c) Union Thugs

(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, union thugs shall eat polish sausage and root for the Yankees.

(A) Union thugs shall carry baseball bats and talk with thick Italian accents.

(B) And of course, union thugs can go to a worker's home, threaten him and his family with bodily or financial harm to force him to sign an irrevocable Union Authorization Card."

There it is; and the whole time I thought this guy was some nut job from Florida.

So the Center for Union Facts cooks up a bunch of bogus facts from anonymous authors, throws them onto a webpage with colorful graphics and tries its best to act like the voice of the people.

I need to know a little more about the money and the brains behind this operation before I sign on.

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Dean Powers lives in Castleton, VT. He has apprenticed at several newspapers including The Nation. He currently writes for OpEdNews. He can be found at facebook.com/deanppowers.

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