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There Are No Chosen People, Religions or Governments on the Planet

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Message Dennis Diehl

4. Disable their ability to challenge or disbelieve the information given. Lower their immunity. Faith is superior to reason. "The wisdom of man is foolishness with God." In government, just have a folder on with enough info on their private lives to keep them in line.

5. Establish a library of true literature and correct answers, for the faithful and discourage reading outside of this one true source, usually provided by the chief virus and his team of pathogens. Or just watch Fox News , O'Reilly  and other such spin meisters. Rush never listened to anyone but himself before the Karma Fairy arrived and he went deaf so you can skip him.

Once the parasite has been injected into the host, it will need to propagate itself or the virus will die. Follow these steps.

1. Emotionally, spiritually, psychologically or literally kill all immune persons. If you can't infect them, eliminate them. Religions just marginalize or disfellowship these types, but governments actually kill them.

2. Those you can't kill... intimidate and discriminate against. In religion, this is being disfellowshipped, demoted, censored or made to bring the watermelon to the picnic. Isolate them because such people, if not held in isolation can pass on immunity and resistance to the virus. In government, rendition them extrordinarily, hid them away and waterboard them for the appropriate recantation.

3. Encourage true believers to breed faster than false ones. Evangelism is a great tool for this.  Or have the Pope send mom a picture of himself for faithfully bringing a large number of small Catholics into the world.  In government just spread freedom no matter how restrictive it is.

4. Censor incoming information and remember to repeat "the wisdom of man is foolishness with God."..often, along with a lot of other scriptures that promote blind obedience. Most of these will be found in the Epistles of Paul.  In government, just control the media and set your sites on the Internet.

5. Be prepared to give out disinformation and spread lies about your rivals. Demonise them. And remember, the bigger the lies, the louder you shout it at church and the more seriously concerned you appear for the welfare of the members, the more successful you will be.

Exclusivism is really a rather evil mind set. Us vs. them, Me vs. You, Chosen vs. unchosen, Christian vs. Pagan, True vs. False as defined by one government, organization or person over another, is never going to turn out right.

One good rule of thumb as to knowing whether a group, government, church, guru or grand poopa is more chosen than all others is to see if the only place you can find that fact is in their own literature, historic records or head.  "God told me..." is always a formula for knowing they are lying.

There are NO chosen, special, more of God,  people, nations or religions on this planet. We are all the same and all a part of same one thing.  We're all made of stadust. We all have a limited time to behold the wonder of it all.  Don't let choseness, either in religion or government, ruin your experience on the planet.  It's doing a darn good job of it at the moment.


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Dennis Diehl is a former pastor of 26 years,  who outgrew the Literalism of Fundamentalism.  He writes about Pastoral and Church abuse and is available to speak on such topics or be helpful to any church suffering under abusive (more...)

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