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Why Do Progressives and Liberals Fear Ralph Nader?

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Go get em tiger! –David_78

Based on the 2000 results, Nader doesn’t have to spend the time and money to get on the ballot in all 50 states. He can just target a half dozen, maybe 10, large “battleground” states where the vote will be close to ensure the Republicans win again. –bbr-001

All we have to do is think back to those days in 2000 when it didn’t seem to matter.

No, Nader was not the ONLY cause for the Bush takeover, but he contributed.

Any rational person will not allow this to happen again. Please. The country cannot withstand another Republican regime. –Linda Sutton

On AlterNet, where several pieces were posted, many people lost control of themselves:

No No Nader by outlander55

Nader is a spoiler. He would not make a good President. The only thing he can do is spoil the vote for Obama or Clinton. He caqn do no good for America. As an activist, he is a poor example of a human being. Just what we need... A man with rotten teeth to represent America to the world. A vote for Nader is support for the Republican war machine.

Splitting the Proverbial Baby by QQOblivion

In 2000, after the Nader candidacy indirectly led to Fuhrer Bush's "election" by taking much needed votes from Gore in Florida, Nader, speaking to a group of supporters, actually relished in his political significance. He was actually proud he had helped elect Bush. America be damned, I guess!
Well, now Nader seems to again want to split the proverbial baby.
I really don't care how much I agree or don't agree with Nader, with Kucinich, with Paul, etc. Third party candidacies could likely get McCain elected this time around. Even Hillary, let alone Obama, would be FAR better a president than McCain (who has been moving to the far Right lately).
I may have voted for Nader in 2000, but I certainly won't make THAT mistake again!

Some people can NOT resist PRESS by foreverhope

He loves getting his name in the paper and having some control, power, he is no different from any other very ordinary politician in that way. He has gotten to full of himself and needs a party every four years to remind himself how wonderful he is, spoiler is right, pathetic too.

Nadar is a one issue candidate, he is old old news. He has little if anything to offer on the war, our national defense, international relations, or our economy. He is lame and STUPID if he does this, few will appreciate it, most will laugh or ignore him, quite a few will certainly shame him as the spoiler he is.

He WILL get his face on the news though!

WTF!!! If you can't lend a hand get the hell out of our way!!!


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Kevin Gosztola is managing editor of Shadowproof Press. He also produces and co-hosts the weekly podcast, "Unauthorized Disclosure." He was an editor for OpEdNews.com
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