His frightening poses. His salacious wardrobe and props. His single-spaced ramble sexed-up to a "manifesto." Recorded direct to the camera, then aired again and again. The media will keep him living long beyond his death. To inspire more villains... to create more horrors... to engage more viewers... to drive ratings UP!
This afternoon, Larry Hincker, Virginia Tech's Associate Vice President of University Relationships, called a press conference to assuage the press. Vice-President Hincker offered the following:
"... There's not a whole lot of information left at this point to disseminate. The questions and answers, we're going over the same points again and again and again... How I can continue to get your requests for information and your request for interviews? I don't know what the number is here. It's something like 300 to 350 journalists. I couldn't do an interview an hour and get that done in several weeks. From my University's standpoint, we have got to move forward. As you can imagine, we cannot let this horror define Virginia Tech. We're gonna do whatever we can to get this place on its feet again..."
Caught off guard by Hincker's remarks, drama-queen Wolf Blitzer put the onus on the INTERNATIONAL press, absolving CNN from being over-zealous. Blitzer said:
"Clearly a very emotional moment for Larry Hincker... This has been an extraordinary, extraordinary effort on the part of authorities and officials at Virginia Tech to deal with literally hundreds of journalists who have descended on that campus. Not only from the United States but from around the world. I haven't seen that many satellites, television satellite trucks for example, since I covered the Oklahoma City bombing... It's a huge, huge story, obviously taking its toll on everyone, including the officials at the University at Virginia Tech...
Carol Costello is watching all of this for us. I see some of those satellite trucks behind you right now. Carol, you and I have covered a lot of stories over the years and the pressure on the campus from the INTERNATIONAL NEWS MEDIA has been intense..."
The blame isn't with the INTERNATIONAL PRESS! CNN alone has placed Wolf Blitzer, John King, Anderson Cooper, Carol Costello, Paula Zahn, Elizabeth Cohn and Soledad O'Brien directly on the Virginia Tech scene. CNN is in no way absolved from the "blitz."
Nor is it absolved from inciting danger:
This evening, on the heels of Wolf Blitzer's baiting-for-a-copy-cat-show, Paula Zahn proposed an egregious reckless incendiary slant. She posited that Korean Americans at Virginia Tech and across the nation should fear reprisals because the killer was 'one of their own.'
Paula you ignorant slut! How many hooks can you bait? How much carnage do you want? You and CNN, NBC, MSNBC, Time Warner, Fox and G.E.? Could you be any more despicable??? I think not.
Time once again for our "milking and baiting" commercial, sponsored by American Media Whores:
"Terrorists... Mass murderers... Tired of feeling isolated? Sick of being unknown? Not wanting to commit that massacre for fear no one will know? Well your dreams of martyrdom have finally been answered. COMMIT YOUR CRIME IN AMERICA, where American Media Whores promise you'll NEVER be forgotten. They'll broadcast your every move. For weeks. Months. Even years. Your universal martyrdom will exceed your wildest dreams!"
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