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Boycott beef

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This is a classic example of the conditions in which the soft power advantages of the West could have proved decisive. A wide ranging package of economic aid, cultural exchange, diplomatic pressure against human rights abuses and commercial engagement would have, in a relatively short time, achieved conditions in which a broad liberalization and democratization of Iraqi society would have occurred. It is unquestionably the case that the Western nations should join China to establish broad, far-reaching liberalization and modernization policies that recognize and accommodate the unique characteristics of Islam and Middle Eastern society. It is impossible to do this and continue the current conflict. The American people and our government now face a stark choice, to attend to our better nature and begin the work of re-building Iraq, the nation that we have destroyed; or continue the Bush-Cheney neoCon policy of hegemony and armed conflict with all the disastrous consequences it entails.


To show support for a policy of disengagement and troop withdrawal, boycott beef or reduce your beef consumption.


Since President Bush made his veto threat at the Beef Producers Convention, slumping beef sales will show everyone that the American people reject Bush's War.


Hitting the war-mongers where it hurts, in the wallet, will convince them that continued support for the futile and needless Iraq War has consequences.


If you like beef, just eat less of it. If you can publicize your decision, please do so.


But even if you don't, once beef sales start to drop the Beef Producers will quickly connect the dots.

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