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The Bush Regime Is Making It Up Here, So They Can Fight Them Over There

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Message Ron Fullwood
The government 'informant', posing as a representative of al-Qaeda, was the apparent recipient of most of the threatening statements that the group of men are alleged to have made. In fact, the 'oath of allegiance' to al-Qaeda was actually given to the informant. The recon photos - taken by a camera provided by the informant - were taken by only one individual, of the FBI building. One of the charges involves the purchase of a memory chip for the camera.

And shoes. They requested shoes, which the FBI apparently provided.

One striking legacy of the Bush regime's terror wars will be their ability to manufacture threats out of thin air, and, whenever able, to induce discontented individuals and groups of individuals to violence. Whether provoking through the intimidation and destruction of our military forces, or by damnation through innuendo, distortions, and lies, the self-promoting guardians in the Bush regime's protection racket have measured their prowess and efficacy by their flailing response to the very violence they themselves have encouraged, aided, and escalated by exploiting our nation's military forces and intelligence assets.

The Miami 7 could be the current generation's Chicago 7. The descriptions of the group as they were led into court for their first appearance brought back memories of how, after the Chicago police gassed and clubbed the mostly peaceful protesters outside of the 1968 Democratic National Convention, they then put the seven diverse protesters on trial for inciting to riot. Although initially convicted, the Chicago 7 had most of the trumped up charges reversed on appeal.

Upon conviction, at sentencing, defendant David T. Dellinger spoke on his own behalf and made a comment I thought was striking:

"Any punishment the Government can impose upon us will not solve the problem of this country's rampant racism, will not solve the problem of economic injustice, it will not solve the problem of the foreign policy and the attacks upon the underdeveloped people of the world," he said.

The Government has misread the times in which we live, just like there was a time when it was possible to keep young people, women, black people, Mexican-American, anti-war people, people who believe in truth and justice and really believe in democracy . . ."

I wonder, undeniably riding a moonbeam, just what could have been accomplished by a positive intervention in these men's lives? Whatever transgression was related by these men to the 'informant'; whatever anger toward the U.S. the may have expressed (if any at all), these men appear to have attempted to remove themselves from the violence and crime that surrounded them in the town they lived in, and made efforts to better themselves through spirituality, discipline, and work.

Lt. Gen. Peter Chiarelli, commander of Multi-national Corps Iraq, said in May that the "the key to reducing American casualties in Iraq is getting a government that can revive the economy, "take the angry young men off the street" and give them an alternative to violence."

"I honestly believe that as this government begins work on the policies that will be required to put people to work and make use of the vast resources of Iraq that you're going to see a decrease in violence," he said in a video teleconference with reporters at the Pentagon.

There may have been an opportunity to guide these young men in our own country, and others like them, into productive activities that would discourage violence. There was definitely an opportunity for a positive intervention. I wonder if the authorities considered talking the men down from the aspirations they allege?

Is there any outreach in the community now from the government that would provide a bridge for motivated residents to something productive? That could accomplish so much more than the sensational sting operation. How many young black men can our law enforcement agents convince to push the limits of the law for a spot on the Justice Dept.'s terror scorecard?

I don't think that anyone should feel relieved that the FBI was called in to infiltrate this group. Their agent appears to have mislead some of the members to commit actions against the country. Instead of pointing these impressionable men in a positive direction, they were directed by the FBI to fulfill the bureau's criteria for a self-serving conviction based on aspirations, not overt acts. It also makes for a wonder about the other 'conspiracy' convictions touted.

It should be an interesting trial, and an even more interesting defense. I wish the young men well.

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Ron Fullwood, is an activist from Columbia, Md. and the author of the book 'Power of Mischief' : Military Industry Executives are Making Bush Policy and the Country is Paying the Price
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