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5 cancers in the American body politic

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(5.) And last but not least is the Judas American media. How could we have been so criminally irresponsible that we allowed people like Rupert Murdoch (not even originally an American citizen!) to brainwash whoever gives even a second of two to the journalist excrement massed produced by sites like Fox Snooze. And not to forget "clear channel", that obscene contradiction in terms. And on and on and on and on. WHATEVER may happen on the political scene, we still have to deal with the ghastly fact that 90% of what passes for "news" is Nazi-like propaganda. We're lucky if we get a television anchor who has even passed a GED, and yet this intellectual dwarf is "preaching" to us about would events. And yes, many of us see them as the fascist collaborators which they truly are, but we've still got millions of Americans out there (alas) in la la land who think that national television is the voice of god (big G or little g -- take your pick). The problem is that this cancer has metastasized to our entire media body and it's going to be very, VERY hard to dig it out. Hence, hope here, is pretty much 100% the Internet.

Hopefully many (most?) of us already more or less know these things, but "half" knowing something can be as useless as not knowing it at all, since we aren't having an "intellectual conversation"; we are talking about life and death matters -- for ourselves, our country, our children, and our raped and dying planet.


W. Christopher Epler (Bill)

more from Bill at:  <http://theliberationofrealism.blogspot.com/>

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A liberal American, PhD mathematician, bipedal Earthling.
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