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The war between the human race and the vampire elites has been raging for over 6,000 years.

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W. Christopher Epler (Bill)
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Politics for such people is like a fly on the windshield. Why? Because they DO EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT TO DO, WHENEVER THEY WANT TO DO IT. They answer to nobody. To the contrary, "armies" are strategic "toys" of the vampire elites (played with our cannon fodder children). They buy and use them like fascist cattle prods.

Whoever wins political elections is like whoever is polishing their shoes. Remember, the vampire elites DO EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT TO DO WHENEVER THEY WANT TO DO IT. And this tiny handful of Greek God elites has been living like this for over 6,000 years. Very roughly, first non agrarian societies had tribal leaders who quickly escalated to Kings and Queens after they raped and enslaved the agrarian populations. And then from there to . . . Paris Hilton, the Rockefellers, the Bushs, the Rothchilds, the Rupert Murdoch’s, the Saudi "princes", and yes, even the Kennedy’s and Gores (and not to forget the frantic wanabee Clintons).

The list of genuinely international elites is actually very small. Indeed, compared to the over 6 billion people on the candy ass "wealth continuum", it's virtually a God country club, because this relative handful people REALLY DO live like Gods and Goddesses.

Behind absolutely everything in the human condition are the vampire elites. And this means EVERYTHING, e.g., puppet religions, puppet governments, and puppet political parties spend most of their time licking the books of the vampire elites. Cathedrals, Mosques, and "Temples" (Jewish, Hindu, whatever) don't build themselves, and political campaigns don't print their own money. Yes, the people (i.e., consumer cattle) play some small role in financing such things, but when the rubber hits the road, the elites simply step in and BUY WHO AND WHATEVER THEY WANT.

The single most important achievement of the vampire elites is how successful they have brainwashed the rest of the human race that their astronomical wealth is somehow "justified". The crap they've foisted on us about how they "deserve" to live like Gods and Goddesses is legion, e.g., Divine Right (were they talking about Lucifer?), Manifest Destiny" (a clever and terribly useful American invention), but perhaps the most nauseating of all is "survival of the fittest".

Quoth the elites: "If you're going down for the third time, trying to keep your three-children-family above water, then hey, Dude, that's exactly what you DESERVE. You're just not 'fit', you know what I mean. Now if you were fit, you'd be a vampire elite too, because the elites ARE elites because of our "fitness". See, it's all justified, fair, and cosmically appropriate, so please take your family and die in a corner where we won't have to listen to your whining!"

This is reality; this is not exaggeration; this is not hyperbole; this is the point blank reality of what the vampire elites are doing to the human race.

Plus, as mentioned earlier, they've got this doo dah of the wealth continuum, where they claim to be simply at the "rich end". No, the rich end (say, 2 or 3 million dollars) is just ONE trip to the Bahamas's for the elites. They spend more money on their health in an afternoon that human cattle (that's us) spend on our children's health in a lifetime. They have so many cars, some of them are never driven, and the fun, fun, fun "yacht and/or mansion competition" exceeds the GNP of a small country.

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A liberal American, PhD mathematician, bipedal Earthling.
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