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Washington alters USAF document to hide intentions behind Colombia accord

By Eva Golinger  Posted by Roy S. Carson (about the submitter)       (Page 2 of 3 pages) Become a premium member to see this article and all articles as one long page.   1 comment

Roy S. Carson
Message Roy S. Carson

Original US Air Force document from May 2009:

"Palanquero is unquestionably the best site for investing in infrastructure development within Colombia. Its central location is within reach of"operations areas"its isolation maximizes Operational Security (OPSEC) and Force Protection and minimizes the US military profile. The intent is to leverage existing infrastructure to the maximum extent possible, improve the US ability to respond rapidly to crisis, and assure regional access and presence at minimum cost. Palanquero supports the mobility mission by providing access to the entire South American continent with the exception of Cape Horn""

The modified document dated November 16, 2009 eliminates all references and language referring to the "mobility mission" and "access to the entire South American continent."

However, the global mobility strategy remains an official military policy and defense strategy of the Pentagon, evidenced in the White Paper: Global en Route Strategy of the Air Mobility Command of the US Air Force, and the Pentagon's budget request and justification submitted in early 2009. Both documents specifically refer to the urgency and necessity of occupying the Palanquero base in Colombia in order to guarantee US global mobility for military operations and missions.

The modified US Air Force document of November 16, 2009 additionally erases all original language referring to Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance operations that would take place from the Palanquero base. Furthermore, all references to "regional access," "theater security cooperation" and "expeditionary warfare capability" in the region have been eliminated.

Original US Air Force document, May 2009:

"Development of this CSL wil further the strategic partnership forged between the US and Colombia and is in the interest of both nations"A presence will also increase our capability to conduct Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR), improve global reach, support logistics requirements, improve partnerships, improve theater security cooperation and expand expeditionary warfare capability."

Modified US Air Force document, November 16, 2009:

"Access to Colombia will further its strategic partnership with the United States. Palanquero is unquestionably the best site for investing in infrastructure development within Colombia. Its central location is within reach of counter narco-terrorist operations areas; the runway and existing airfield facilities will reduce construction costs; its isolation maximizes Operational Security (OPSEC) and Force Protection and minimizes the US military profile. The intent is to leverage existing infrastructure to the maximum extent possible, improve the US ability to respond rapidly to crises, and assure access and presence at minimum cost. The taxiway and ramp/apron areas are deficient and in their current configurations severely limit the operational capabilities of this location. Additionally, the operations and support facilities need to be expanded to service a wide array of aircraft that mutually agreed activities may entail."

Despite the modifications to the US Air Force document more than six months after the original was sent to Congress, the intentions behind the US military agreement with Colombia remain the same.

No evidence exists demonstrating a change in the Pentagon's global mobility strategy -- it is an official state policy included in the Global Defense Posture Strategy, in place at the present time. The military base in Palanquero, Colombia has been identified several times in different Pentagon documents as the perfect site -- a unique opportunity -- to guarantee continental access in South America, facilitating "full spectrum military operations" in Latin America.

Washington can try to erase its language regarding intentions of war, espionage and military operations in Latin America, but the US can't erase the truth.

The original US Air Force document from May 2009 remains the principal justification behind the US-Colombia military accord.

Eva Golinger

Original US Air Force document, May 2009 available at:

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Roy S. Carson is veteran foreign correspondent (45+ years in the business) currently editor & publisher of VHeadline Venezuela reporting on news & views from and about Venezuela in South America -- available for interviews -- call Houston (more...)
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