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An Argument Against Christian Armies or Hammers of God (Part1)

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Francis Frangipane: "All spiritual warfare is waged over one essential question: who will control reality on earth - heaven or hell? ... We must see that our prayers, attitudes and agreement with God as an integral Part of establishing the reality of the kingdom of God on earth!" (Mainstream. Spring 1994, p. 10.)

"The Church is the feet of Jesus. God promised Jesus 'I will train your feet, and use them to tread down and crush your enemies." (Francis Frangipane, Charisma magazine July 1993)"

"Jack Deere speaks of an invincible army. He says, "...they won't be able to kill this army." John Wimber also stated, "those in this army will have the 'kind of anointing ... his kind of power ... anyone who wants to harm them must die".

All of these quotes were taken from "Let Us Reason Ministries" inc. Clustered together they certainly add teeth to "spiritual warfare".

I argue vehemently against these things. There is and never has been a moral government on this planet. The best we can hope for is amoral or neutral, and what we have continually is immoral and decadent instead. These issues are seen very clearly across the world today as we increase our military footprint across the globe.

Historically however it is not without precedent. When the Vandals attacked Greece they destroyed all the Iconography (they were Arian Christian) and hence we have the word vandalism.

The Knights Templar and the Crusaders remembered nobly in their skirmishes with Salaadin. Their inheritors are remembered today by both Jews and Muslims alike as the ones who turned the city of   Jerusalem's sewer piping to dump on and in Mount MariYah. "The Muslim historian Mujir al-Din, reporting when 'Umar reached the old ruined gates of the Temple, he was horrified to see the filth and excrement, "which was then all about the holy sanctuary, had settled on the steps of the gates so that it
even came out into the streets in which the gate opened". He claimed that they called Anastasis al-Qumamah, "the Dungheap," in retaliation for the policy of the Christians on the Temple Mount9."
Although not known by most Christians when we bring up the Temple in "mixed" company it is one of the first things that come to their mind.

 "Genghis Khan had called himself "The Scourge of God," believing, as his great seal declared him to be, "The power of God on Earth; the Emperor of Mankind." In spite of his frightful behavior towards his
fellow men, he constantly affirmed that he believed in one God whose will he was carrying out. His yasa or code of laws regulating Mongol life began with the statement: "It is ordered to believe that there is only one God, creator of heaven and earth, who alone gives life and death, riches and poverty as pleasures Him-and who has over everything an absolute power."

The influence of the Christianity of the Keraits, Genghis' strongest tribe, is without a doubt apparent in this statement with its witness to the sovereign God of creation and providence. The next rule of the yasa shows his sense of religious toleration, a mark of all the Khans. "Leaders of a religion, preachers, monks, persons who are dedicated to religious practice, the criers of mosques, physicians and undertakers are to be freed from public taxes and charges.10"

Ghengis Khan sent 20,000 cavalry to attack Russia. They were engaged by an army 80,000 strong and crushed them. The feat has no equal in military history. This Khan was only stopped by the request of Pope Leo who it seems he respected.

In short Christian Armies have not fared well throughout history. The largest use has traditionally been "Christian to Christian" hostilities. This is also what you seem to be proposing. Have we learned nothing in two thousand years? I ask you if God rains on the just and unjust alike [He sends His Blessings on all], and" He so loved the world He sent His only Begotten Son" for us, whom did not the Apostle say were at enmity with God?-

If we propose Imperialism and impose our own "Sharia" i.e. every knee will bow "or else", do we honor God? We were not born Christian, we are born-again. The imposition of martial force negates the validity of the new birth from that point on. Is coercion to be viewed as conversion? [See chapter Civil Affairs]

In the next articles I will show first where this is going very graphically, and then this religions true face with regard to government involvement.

.Excerpts from "the Generations of Antichrist; An Argument for the Sake of Heaven

 9 The Persian conquest of Jerusalem in 614CE compared with Islamic conquest of 638CE. Its Messianic nature
and the role of the Jewish Exilarch By Ben Abrahamson and Joseph Katz

 10 BY FOOT TO CHINA Mission of The Church of the East, to 1400 By John M. L. Young Chairman Japan
Presbyterian Mission Missionary of Mission to the World of the Presbyterian Church in America

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George Eliason is an American journalist that lives and works in Donbass. He has been interviewed by and provided analysis for RT, the BBC, and Press-TV. His articles have been published in the Security Assistance Monitor, Washingtons Blog, (more...)

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