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An Open Letter to President Obama Re: Gulf Oil Spill Solution

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Message Dr. Tom Termotto

There is only one direction to go in and that is to systematically transition this nation away from oil and gas as a primary energy source so that our dependence, both foreign and domestic, is eventually eliminated. Of course, this requires an immediate phasing in of a new paradigm, representing a mix of alternatives sources whose attributes have been previously described. We're not talking about pseudo green and clean energy platforms such as biofuels. Some sources such as free standing wave energy are far ahead of current technology in terms of energy production, dissemination and utilization. We are in a completely different universe here, so comparisons are for all practical purposes irrelevant. Nevertheless, this is a critical junction point to begin serious implementation of these readily available, non-toxic and vastly more efficient alternatives.

If ever there was a time to engage the public consciousness surrounding an issue, this is the one. The oil and gas energy platform undergirds the entire civilization and, therefore, it will take extraordinary leadership to take the lead of doing what is right for the global community and all of the life that resides within its borders. The far-reaching ramifications and profound consequences of a hydrocarbon-fueled society will be felt for decades, even after such a transition is completed. However, for the sake of our children and grand children and the seven generations beyond, there is no choice in the matter of expelling this polluting and destructive energy source from our nation.

We are at a fork in the road, Mr. President. We can go right or left. The left-handed fork is where we have gone for well over a century, and we know where that has taken our nation, and civilization. The globe is littered with wars and skirmishes and conflicts that revolve around powerful nations wanting to develop oil and gas reserves, conduct risky exploration, build refineries, lay down pipeline transits, etc. It's clear to many of us that the unlawful and horrendous wars waged against Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran (senseless war of words setting up a baseless war on the ground) have been about taking possession of or effectively controlling these kinds of assets. How much longer will the world be forced to watch such tragic consequences of the projection of American power in the defense of its energy interests around the globe?

Many have argued that we have no legitimate right to many of those oil fields that have been coerced or bribed from the many poor and underdeveloped nations that cannot stand up to the might of the USA, and UK. These third world countries have truly borne the brunt of a foreign policy gone awry a policy that has been monopolized by the well-funded, powerful lobbyists of the largest oil and gas corporations on the planet. Nigeria, Ecuador, Bolivia and Indonesia, as well as many other recipients of American-style oil diplomacy have suffered far too long under the yoke of corporate imperialism. It is high time that this yoke be smashed for all time, and done so with all deliberate speed.

The fate of the entire world hangs in the balance, President Obama. The Gulf Oil Spill will not be resolved with any finality, or success, until the proper decisions are made by those in power to change the course of the future. We trust that you will act on these sentiments, which have issued forth from many of the world's oppressed, downtrodden and innumerable victims of the hydrocarbon fuel paradigm.

Very sincerely,

Dr. Tom Termotto, National Coordinator

Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference (International Citizens' Initiative)

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Tom suspended his health consultancy for 9 months to serve as the coordinator of the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference (International Citizens' Initiative) -- an informal cyber-conference initiated to ascertain and disseminate the facts about (more...)
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