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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 5/22/12

Battleground Chicago

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Stephen Lendman
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Orwell said in "times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." His 1984 newspeak slogan was: "War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength."

NWU added that it "Defends the First Amendment: No Restrictions On Peaceful Public Communication, Assembly and Dissent."

"Our constitutional rights are vastly more essential--more critical--than any efforts to secure the comforts and the privilege for the elites gathering for the NATO meetings."

"We are appalled at the efforts by Mayor Rahm Emanuel and his Administration, backed by the Chicago City Council, to limit the ability of people to speak truth to power, and to be able to  indicate the depth and intensity of their disgust at the on-going wars initiated around the world by NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and the U.S. Government, under control by both the Democrats and Republicans, who will soon be meeting in Chicago."

Policymakers turn a blind eye to public demands and needs. Street protests erupt. Cops confront them violently. Injuries and arrests follow.

On Sunday, the Chicago Tribune headlined "Injuries, arrests in clashes between protesters and police," saying:

Confrontations led to dozens of injuries and arrests. For two hours, police, in "full riot gear," faced off against fed up protesters wanting change.

Blocking free access to public streets ignited things. Cops decide they know best. They make the rules. Constitutional freedoms don't matter. Disagree and get bludgeoned.  

On Sunday evening, a "pitched battle" between "an overwhelming number of police and several hundred protesters" occurred near McCormick Place, NATO headquarters.

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