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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 3/2/09

Britain's Secret Plans for Quelling Insurgency, and Turmoil in Ukraine

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“The cynicism the oppressed feel about the legitimacy of those who rule over them and over the whole of society comes from the lessons of their everyday existence. The dispossessed do not rise up in ordinary times not mainly because they are under illusions about the system’s nature but mainly because they know that if they rose up they would be immediately crushed by the forces of the state. …


“The middle classes, by contrast, go along because they have a strong belief in this system’s legitimacy and the electoral process in particular. They believe that the candidate with the most votes takes office. They believe that their vote matters and that public opinion overall guides public policy. They believe that America is a democracy. Should enough of the middle classes conclude that the process is rigged, illegitimate, and corrupt, that those who lead us are dangerously incompetent, and that they are endangering our lives and this planet, elements of the middle class will, together with the lower strata, begin to act outside the normal channels of electoral politics and shake this system to its core.” (Pp. 41-42)


Fourth, the deployment of troops in the "homeland" is not only something being planned for in Britain but something that has already happened in the U.S. See here. See also my remarks at the end of The Water Line, Part III, on "Known Unknowns."


The terrain we are about to traverse is fraught with great crisis and grave danger. Thinking that things will go back to even a semblance of normal any time soon is a major mistake. In times of great danger there is also great opportunity. The bankruptcy of these governments and their policies is open to widespread and deep exposure. If such exposes and organizing occur in sufficient measure, then the chance to wrest some radically different future out of the monstrous mess that we are in will be before us.


As I wrote in Water Line Part III:


"First, the system we live in – global capitalism - is inherently unstable and dangerous whether you look at it from a local, national or international perspective. The spheres of the local, national and international are so intertwined that they cannot sensibly be separated as though events in one sphere do not impact the others.


"Second, stability and security are more things of the past than of the present and, especially, the future. Massive dislocations and dramatic, startling changes to the status quo are not the stuff of science fiction but that which the DOD [Department of Defense] itself now finds it must take seriously." 


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Cal Poly Pomona Sociology Professor. Author of "Globalization and the Demolition of Society," co-editor/author (with Peter Phillips) of "Impeach the President: the Case Against Bush and Cheney." National Steering Committee Member of the World Can't (more...)
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