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Change Is Coming; Get Used To Your New "Normalized" Lifestyle

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Message Michael Payne

States running massive deficits will cut a myriad of essential services to citizens. The governor of Illinois is proposing to end all state funding for substance-abuse treatment and prevention programs, a move that could close alcohol and drug-treatment centers across the state. But, then again, he'll have to spend more on prisons. The governor of Wisconsin is waging an intense war against public workers and their unions in order to eliminate their collective bargaining rights and normalize their lifestyles.


All these problems are of America's own making. We and our government leaders know that the least bit of turmoil in the Middle East causes an immediate rise in gas prices but, yet, no one is doing anything to initiate programs to develop new sources of energy. The polarized Congress and this war-obsessed president know that our misguided wars are doing monumental damage to the future of our nation. And, yet, they defy the American people and refuse to end them.


This nation cannot have a viable, growing economy without a solid manufacturing base. Mr. Obama and the Congress know this but they are doing nothing whatsoever to try to develop new industries and badly needed jobs. Talking heads continually speak of the importance of small businesses in creating jobs; but without a solid manufacturing sector that uses raw materials and American workers to produce products for domestic consumption and exports, our economy cannot and will not grow.


So, get used to your new normalized lifestyle because you are destined to live in a new America, one that has been humbled and forced to lead a much simpler life. Is this something that we will learn to accept and grow to like? It doesn't really matter because we will have no choice.


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