For nearly three years, many people have been working on this after reading on Open Source Energy forums about a person who claimed to run his V-8 car on water, using nothing but large High Voltage-boosted spark to explode tap water in the cylinders of an internal combustion engine. Many researchers did not believe this claim, and the proof offered was scant; although block diagram schematics and information on how to replicate the effect were offered. The inventor was very worried about his anonymity (possibly with very good reason), and wished to not be in the limelight at all…. Thus every little bit of information on this amazing claim was shrouded by mystery; only broken occasionally by Internet posts further explaining and detailing how he did it (… But containing very little in the way of verifiable proof). However, last month some additional proofs of concept came to light that showed beyond any doubt that it was indeed possible to create a large enough spark that would “explode” water with considerable force… Thus proving the concept and possibility of the “Water Car”, if not the actual existence of one.
In a parallel related item, two years ago an inventor by the name of Robert Krupa announced something that rocked the automotive world; which he called the “FireStorm Sparkplug”. It was a highly uniquely design that was much different than a regular plug: The electrode (cathode) is a spherical ball, and the anodes were hemispherical thick steel wires that arch over this sphere in an “X” configuration (although Mr. Krupa has since improved and changed the basic design somewhat). The result is a vastly larger and more powerful plasma ball of spark; that explodes gasoline much more efficiently than a regular spark does. In fact, if the car using FireStorm plugs can generate the large enough spark (many vehicles may need minor modifications to the ignition coil system to produce the “one Joule” of energy needed for the big sparks); then gasoline mileage increases of 40% or more are possible! Just from using a different, higher-powered spark and “leaning-out” the car’s fuel-air ratio (increasing the air vs. gasoline, to an amazing 30:1 or higher). Oddly enough, when using this high “AFR” gasoline mix ignited by FireStorms, the temperature of the exhaust drops by 100 degrees F; and the horsepower as measured by Dynameter increases dramatically.
Mr. Krupa has had the FireStorm independently tested, and also tested by spark plug manufacturers who were interested in buying it from him. The results were very positive in that it does all it is claimed to, but there was a “problem”: Because of the inherent design, the plug would not foul or wear-out over time like other designs. This stopped it from consideration by the plug makers, who have no interest in building a product that never needs replacement; “cutting their own throat” for future sales. Robert Krupa is currently lining-up manufacturing of his own for the product internationally, and may offer it for retail sale by the end of 2008 if all goes well. Let us hope he is successful in this; as the savings in gasoline and pollution this product alone will bring would be tremendous.
An automotive industry news report about the FireStorm Spark Plug:
Internal combustion engines, even brand new in 2008, are notoriously inefficient…. Anywhere from 20% to 35% efficiency is the norm. That means that a very large amount of fuel is wasted… Unburned and sent out of the exhaust because of the relatively slow-burning nature of petroleum-based fuels which have large, complex molecules. In fact this unburned fuel is the reason gasoline-powered cars in the U.S. must have a catalytic converter installed to trap it and partially combust it further before sending it out of the tail pipe. The FireStorm increases the burn rate of the fuel, vastly improving the efficiency; and lowering emissions greatly as well. It does a similar thing to what using “Hydroxy” does (“HHO” / Brown’s Gas; using Hydrogen and Oxygen monatomic and diatomic gasses disassociated from water as a fuel “booster” for gasoline and Diesel), but without the need for an electrolyzer system to crack the water into the hydroxy gas first. So the average car could have instant mileage increases simply by switching to FireStorm plugs, and if the vehicle’s coil ignition system was slightly modified to increase the voltage (if required), and the fuel-air ratio “leaned-out”, the savings could be the very dramatic “40% or more” figure, which has been seen via independent testing. But modern computers in cars will require some re-programming or “fooling” of the Oxygen Sensor before allowing leaner burns: So this will also need to be performed if the full gas savings are to be seen… However these minor modifications would certainly be worth it if 40% increases in mileage could be realized, not to mention vastly decreased pollution emissions (and the hydroxy community has already come up with several solutions for this oxygen sensor and computer re-programming problems, since they are commonly seen when using hydroxy “HHO” boosters as well).
What the FireStorm does is also similar to what many have tried to do over the last 90 years, but have been constantly stymied from doing by the oil companies: Turn gasoline into a vapor before injecting it into an engine. There is clear proof that vaporized “pure” gasoline (without certain additives) burns much more efficiently, and mileage figures of up to “200 MPG” have been seen using vaporized fuel with very lean air-fuel ratios (150% to 250% mileage increases are more common). But for widespread use the problem for many years has been the “special” additives that are put into the fuel by the oil corporations: These gasoline additives fight vaporization and make it much less effective. Also, the best way to vaporize the fuel is by using the heat of the exhaust to do so: And any “tampering” of the exhaust system is prohibited by U.S. Federal law (….Ever since the advent of the catalytic converter in the late 1970’s). Ironically, vaporized gas burns so completely and cleanly, there is no longer any need for the “cat-box”. The FireStorm’s big plasma ball of spark helps provide the same positive feature of what vaporization does: Vastly improves the efficiency of the burn; allowing the fuel-air ratio to grow significantly “leaner”. So when implemented, this invention will be an immediate Godsend to those of the middle class, working poor, and small businesses who are being broken by the ever-rising high prices at the pumps.
So when people saw what was possible with the FireStorm; and read about the mysterious person who ran his car on nothing but tap water using large plasma sparks, it began to become evident to many that large plasma-like sparks may be the answer to the “Holy Grail” dream of running our cars on nothing but water… So earlier this year, an experimenter in the Open Source Energy movement created a simple circuit that proves the concept that this large plasma spark can “explode” water. This intrepid home engineer and inventor, using the internet name “Gotoluc”, opened new threads in the “Overunity” and “Energetic Forums” Open Source Energy sites (linked at the end of this article), and showed well-made and comprehensive You-Tube videos detailing the event along with circuit schematics for all to see. In these threads, one can see how a mixed high-voltage and low voltage/ high-current “boosted” spark is generated across a standard spark plug… Then water is sprayed onto the spark gap, and the large plasma sparks induced again. And with the advent of the water, the results are dramatic: There is a loud BANG and a bright flash as the plain tap water in the spark area “explodes”.. The effects are loud enough over time to deafen; and the flashes bright enough with a large infra-red element to require dark glasses to keep it from damaging the eyes (… The “thunder and lightening” effect). Gotoluc’s video is below, and in the thread many other videos from several people (including luminaries of the free energy movement such as Dr. Peter Lindemann), who have successfully replicated the basic experiment and have added their own “twists” to the circuits and effects, can also be seen:
Gotoluc’s vid which started it all:
Ossie’s exploding salt water:
Jetijs’ plasma spark (using steam / vapor):
Dr. Peter Lindemann’s replication of the plasma spark phenomena:
Some astonishing water plasma spark effects from Mdbreedi:
One of Capacitor 70’s many replications working outside an engine
The main thread covering this subject at Overunity forums, with many more videos:
The main thread for this subject at Energetic Forums: also with many more videos and photos:
Now these experiment designs by Gotoluc, Ossie, Capacitor70, Aaron, Jetijs, Dr. Peter Lindemann, Xbox Hacker, Allcanadian, Mdbreedi, and many others are mostly outside of an engine, showing how the spark is generated and the explosion of water happens. But the concept is clear: With a large enough radiant spark, water will release significant energy in what appears to be an “explosion”. Exactly what is going on here scientifically speaking, is yet unproven either way: It could be the breaking of molecular inter-acting bonds, as proposed by Dr. Peter Graneau’s experiments with water “fogging”; explained as energy being released when water turns from a compact liquid into a fine mist (..but still molecularly bonded as H2O)…. Or rather it may be caused by the disassociation of water into Hydrogen and Oxygen, such as in hydroxy…. Except done instantaneously and not via use of an electrolyzer cell as usually done. In this case the water is disassociated, the Hydrogen combusted with an explosion / implosion mixed effect, and the result being that the HHO is combined near-instantaneously back into water again (the implosion effect is caused by the H and O recombining). No one can say for sure yet exactly what the scientific explanation is. Apparently there is some energy that can be released simply by turning liquid water quickly into a fog (as Dr. Graneau’s theory states). Yet this is thought to be a “cold” reaction, which actually lowers ambient temperature rather than raises it.
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