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Republican Debate - Stealth Agenda of Gingrich and Cain

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Message Mirza Beg

The irony is that most rightwing Republicans are opposed to the idea of separation of "Church and State" notwithstanding the first amendment. That is why Rev. Pat Robertson found so much traction in the Republican primaries in the 1980s. Rev. Charles Kimball writes in his book, "When Religion Becomes Lethal " that Ralph Reed, the head of the Christian Coalition, famously referred to the practice of running "stealth candidates" where the radical agenda would be hidden from voters by focusing on hot button issues such as abortion or homosexuality. By the time the voters knew what victorious candidate really advocated, they would not know what hit them.


Some of the 2012 Republican aspirants are not much different. Some want the United States to be under the Biblical laws, while others in an effort to dupe them are stealthily raising a bogus threat from the Sharia laws. To protect all, multi-religious as well as irreligious citizens, would it not be better to, honestly adhere to the principle of "Separation of Church and State", no lying, no ifs and no buts?


Instead of the loyalty test for ordinary law abiding citizens of any faith or no faith, the electorate should reject stealth candidates whose support for the US Constitution is dubious. If elected they would have to take the oath of office with fingers crossed.


Mirza A. Beg can be contacted at Email address removed or at http://mirzasmusings.blogspot.com/

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Republican Debate - Stealth Agenda of Gingrich and Cain

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