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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 2/6/10

Supreme Court's Gift to Corporations: The U.S. Military

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Message Cameron Salisbury

With complete control of Congress comes complete control of the U.S. military, all its appropriations and all its weapons industries.

Today, the sale of armaments internationally is done promiscuously; it is a mere profit center to bolster CEO salaries and shareholder return.

Arms sales are often made to small or developing countries that could never afford the stratospheric expense if not for U.S. foreign aid dedicated to that purpose.

So, when China reacts with unshirted fury to weapons sales to Taiwan, as it did last week, some might wonder who to blame--the U.S. government or the profit motive of Boeing, Lockheed or Microsoft (yes, Microsoft).

Thanks to the Supreme Court, it shouldn't be too long before that blurry, officially unacknowledged symbiosis between government decision and corporate action resolves into sharp clarity. China can then confront the less than neighborly behavior of a corporation and it will indeed be the same as taking on the U.S. government, no questions asked.

Just as NAFTA, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have been extensions of America, Inc., the new and regulation-free power of corporations to buy elections may create a U.S. military that is another nifty new international profit center for big business.

Multinational corporations are free floating, rootless, entities and will soon be the new sheriffs in town, with a guaranteed, ever expanding, tax payer financed military strong arm.

Local protesters? Use Homeland Security to finish creating a police state and disappear them.

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Cameron Salisbury is a biostatistician, epidemiologist and grant writer living in Atlanta.
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