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The Hidden Prop 14 Revolution

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Given these facts, her being on the Prop 14 primary ballot is not iffy, but a shoe in.

Suppose that Wells is one of 25 names on the post-Prop 14 primary ballot. Does she have a chance of beating either a Brown or a Whitman, and getting one of the top two slots? I say YES.

The Internet has tremendous potential for organizing a new CA left petition-signing and voting bloc. Politically active Americans have only just begun to tap into that potential. The Deaniacs in 2000 shocked the political world. They self-organized on the net, and raised both awareness of Dean and money in ways that had never been done before. The Obama campaign went further by creating a supporter website, which gave his followers a central meeting place. Although he disregarded the majority opinions expressed there, like legalizing pot, ending the war in Iraq, single payer, etc, he showed how net organizing can be done. Another shock to the political world is possible in CA, and due.

With rallies, meet ups, furious Internet activity, and lots of good old fashion footwork by energetic, committed lefties, we can beat Big Money and their D/R puppets in CA. We don't need a lot of dough to beat Big Money, just energy and smarts.

The Prop 14 Revolution in the pre-primary phase frees all the misfit sub-groups in the majors to go their own way without the fear that doing so will make them losers. For example, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is like a wart on the face of the Democratic Party. They don't fit in where they are, and they really aren't wanted there. They are an annoyance to the DNC, and they almost never win on any of the issues and candidates they push. Just recently, they have lost on single payer, war funding, several primary candidates they backed, and on environmental issues.

Yet, they could be a powerful pre-primary and primary force in CA if they broke away from the Dems and helped to organize a leftist alternative. The two-party system pushes them into the Democrat Party, because, like other folks, they see it as the only practical choice when you look at the Republican alternative. But Prop 14 opens up new potentials for all sorts of insurgencies PDA for Dems, and Tea Partiers for Repubs.

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William J. Kelleher, Ph.D. Political Scientist, author, speaker, CEO for The Internet Voting Research and Education Fund, a CA Nonprofit Foundation My new book, Internet Voting Now, on Kindle, at http://tinyurl.com/IntV-Now Blog: (more...)
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