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Then They Came for the Professors

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"educates students" -- The claim means to get to students while they are young and impressionable, to make sure the youth of our nation buy into and believe these damaging values, even if they will eventually impair their success as adults.

"every young person being enlightened" -- They hope to create an era of citizens willing to participate in their own mediocrity by willingly accepting less of the America Dream than previous generations.

"fiscal responsibility" -- Austerity measures are implemented against the middle/lower classes by cutting programs such as Head Start, Food Stamps, Social Security, Medicare, etc.

"free markets" -- Corporations and the billionaires who own them are free to get rid of anything that keeps them from maximizing profits.

"limited government" -- Efforts are made to render the government ineffectual in combating their efforts. It is really a simple formula: reduce the budget of governmental programs till they are incapable of being effective and are viewed as useless to the general public. The money allegedly saved by this reduction or elimination then travels back to them through tax cuts.

What's next on the hit list"er, Watch List? Will it be the demonization of tenure, textbooks, curriculum, administrators, and Board of Regents? How dare anyone we don't like or simply disagree with have tenure? We cannot possibly let their job security get in our way of discrediting those we judge as ideologically impure, can we?

The purpose of tenure is to protect the free-speech rights of professors so any and all ideas may be explored by teachers and students alike, without ramifications such as those this heinous Professor Watch List website horrifically fosters. Without freedom of speech, there is no freedom of thought.

This bullying of professors is often determined by the eye of the beholder. Be careful to watch whose eye it is.

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As the author of the book America Abandoned ~ The Secret Velvel Coup That Cost Us Our Democracy, Jill is a natural-born teacher and champion for advocacy, Jill's 31-year career in public service, was infused with a life-long passion for (more...)

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