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General News    H3'ed 8/23/12

War on women and the self-destruction of the GOP

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Message Gregory Patin

You and your like-minded friends, who do not agree with the Affordable Care Act yell from the roof tops that personal religious freedoms are being infringed upon because it requires women to have access to birth control.


What I find so interesting is those same people have no problem creating legislation that does just that to the women of this country. For example, have you forgotten Todd that little piece of legislation that you and GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan co-sponsored a bill called "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act," a bill which, among other things, introduced the country to this bizarre term "forcible rape," as if there is some other form of rape?


Renee continues to list every House "representative" that voted for this form of legislation on her site.

Yet a conservative Republican like Mike Huckabee, who is a paid shill for Fox News, makes an apology for Akin on his program and says " Sometimes Good people are conceived in Rape ."


Let's add some further commentary to that. Romney, by his campaign rhetoric, and Ryan and Akin are proven to be to big supporters of war(s) by their voting records. So, here's another scenario for Huckabee and the rest of the GOP:


That young man was supposed to find a cure for cancer, but he died in Afghanistan. And that young woman was supposed to invent a source of inexpensive, clean energy"but she suffered a traumatic brain injury in Iraq. And that young man buried in Arlington was going to be the father of a new world leader that would have ended all wars and brought peace to this world, except he died in the wars YOU support and fund.


Just as the GOP's argument against women's rights goes, wars murder the future as well. Yes, Americans do consider life really important. It works both ways. Good luck in the polls in November.




Chicago Sun-Times

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Gregory Patin is a free-lance writer residing in Madison, WI. He earned a BA in political science from the University of Wisconsin - Madison and a MS in IT management from Colorado Tech. He is politically independent and not affiliated with either (more...)
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