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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 11/3/08

Why Obama is Actually More Conservative Than McCain

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Think about the SIM CITY computer game in which players control all aspects of an entire society. The trick of the game is to manage processes and services that benefit the greatest number of people. Focusing narrowly on the benefit the few, it doesn't take long before things start to go wrong - from infrastructure to violent revolution. This is borne out in real life through history time and again, showing us that sound ethics and fiscal responsibility are connected - and are completely missing in the era of the Sean Hannity neocon, where half the story is hidden under the rug, context-manipulation and slime tactics are okay, and blaming others for everything is the example of personal responsibility we set for our kids.

Aside from Hannity's slanted reporting, there have been possible criminal allegations by Bush insider Scott McClellan who revealed that "Conservative" talk show personalities received comprehensive talking points from Karl Rove and the White House Office of Strategic Initiatives, including "friendly" broadcasters at Fox. Bill O'Reilly has emphatically denied this, though Hannity has still not.

Indeed, it could be a criminal act to receive content meant for broadcast from government officials without divulging the source. Sean is a tough guy and he's pretty smart, I think he should answer this charge. Even if it's not enforced too much, there is a law on the books called the Smith-Mundt act that prohibits domestic propaganda.

By no means is this the final word - I invite discussion from any and all who would like to discuss fiscal responsibility, small government and strict ethics to see which politicians, business leaders and pundits are truly Conservative and who are hustling the vast middle class to fracture us and pit us against eachother.

If you listen to Hannity or Limbaugh, recognize the obvious - they have supported Bush/Cheney over their many detractors every day of the last two terms and have been spending us into the ditch. Their daily talking points have paralleled those of the administration, the McCain campaign and Fox News (except for a scant few issues like Dubai Ports deal). They cannot just turn the page on this - Conservatism is about individual responsibility - why do they not own that they called for deregulation every day for decades?

Does the current Wall Street bailout not seem more like socialism than anything Obama is proposing? Does shoveling taxpayer money into the hands of banks and financial firm CEOs seem like freemarket Conservatism to you? Do ethics matter to you in your democracy, or is it all about winning?

It was Paul Weyrich, the founder of the Heritage Foundation who said Republicans don't want voters to turn out. It's obvious the poor outnumber the rich manyfold, so all of this contentious partisan politicking, fear, hate and rumormongering by radical media, shadowy emails, DVDs and Swiftboating is designed to fracture us, make us dislike and mistrust eachother.

This is not morality, fiscal responsibility, democracy, transparency, or Conservatism. This is not the American way. I hope you will take the time to respond because I can't find a real Conservative who defends these charlatans.

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(OpEdNews Contributing Editor since October 2006) Inner city schoolteacher from New York, mostly covering media manipulation. I put election/finance reform ahead of all issues but also advocate for fiscal conservatism, ethics in journalism and (more...)

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