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A ROMP THROUGH THE QUANTUM FIELD with Gregg Braden and Dr. Bruce Lipton

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The studies show that a relatively few number of people with a focused intention have tremendous leverage in terms of affecting how our reality is responding, both in our bodies and in our world. "-One famous example was a research project done during the Israeli-Lebanese war in the early 1980’s. [6] In this study, people who had been trained to feel the feeling of peace in their bodies were positioned in war-torn areas in the Middle East.

When they were intentionally feeling peace during specific windows of time, it changed the level of violence happening in the area around them in statistically significant ways. Crime, hospital emergency room activity, and traffic accidents declined, and terrorist activities stopped altogether. And when the practitioners stopped, then all those activities reversed. "-Since these practitioners had been trained by Maharishi [7] in TM techniques, this phenomenon became known as the Maharishi Effect.

And the results were so clear-cut that the researchers were able to determine the exact percentage of a population needed to create this effect. That amount is the square root of 1% of a given population. So, when that critical mass of practitioners participated, the threshold opened up and we began to see the effects. Obviously, the more people who participate, the faster we are going to see those effects."-The square root of 1% is just 100 people per million, or only about 8,000 in the current world population of 6.5 billion. That is all it takes to make the difference."-Whether we are talking about one woman’s healing in the video of the dissolving tumor, or about healing between nations — as different as they seem from one another — the principal and the effect are the same.

MAB: At the Phoenix workshop you mentioned you were on the edge of some exciting new research developments.

GB: Yes, this is the 20th year I have offered this work in one form or another, but as different as the various aspects of my work appear, they are all focused and directed at empowering us to become better people and creating a better world.

The God Code [8] research is ongoing and we are working with researchers in other parts of the world in translating the human genome into the languages and the letters of alphabets that can be read like the pages of a book. We hope to have more information to share about the deeper layers of these translations before the end of this year.

What we are talking about is another aspect of that work. We now know from the first layer of these translations, as I discussed in The God Code, that we are an intentional species, we know we are no fluke of nature, we are not an accident of biology, we are here on purpose and appear to be wired to create in our world.

Through the work Dr. Bruce Lipton, my colleagues, and I are doing, we are finding that we are not bound by the laws of physics and biology that, in the past, we believed were limiting us. That work is ongoing, continuing to reveal new expressions of freedom. If we are not bound by the laws of physics, and if we are not bound by the laws of biology, then suddenly we become tremendously powerful beings!

And if we are free of those laws, it means we are free of the limits we believe are imposed by our DNA and space and time and distance and aging and longevity, and all the implications that go with that! So all of these are married together into a very exciting and empowering way of looking at ourselves and our world. And the key is that we are a part of everything we see and experience rather than separate from it.

If we are part of that Divine Matrix, we are given the gift, the ability and the blessing that allow us to transform our bodies and our world into life-affirming expressions of that connection rather than life-denying expressions. To me, that is the exciting thing about our new discoveries and where this work is going!

MAB: How did the two of you end up sharing this workshop?

GB: I was a fan of Dr. Bruce Lipton’s work before we ever met. We both began our work in the mid-80’s, our paths had crossed a number of times and we became friends. Our work seemed so different, but we were always looking for a way we could share it together.

I came from the perspective of studying the physical world of our external reality, and Bruce from the biological world of our internal reality… and as Bruce’s work evolved into the biology of belief and my work evolved into the Divine Matrix and the power of belief to change and alter our reality, suddenly our respective work connected in a very natural fit.

We first presented a workshop together as an experiment at the A.R.E./Edgar Cayce Headquarters in 2003. Then we took that workshop to Australia and now across the U.S."- It has been a wonderful window of opportunity to marry our messages into what I believe is a very potent, powerful understanding of who we are in the world. What we believe and how we feel about ourselves and our world is actually the code that allows us the power to create and heal and bring joy and peace into our lives. That is the message Bruce and I have come together to offer. And within the context of what we are seeing on the six o’clock news, I think now it is perhaps more timely than ever. "-

MAB: This has been so very enlightening, thank you, Gregg!

GB: Thanks for inviting me.

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Meryl Ann Butler is an artist, author, educator and OpedNews Managing Editor who has been actively engaged in utilizing the arts as stepping-stones toward joy-filled wellbeing since she was a hippie. She began writing for OpEdNews in Feb, 2004. She became a Senior Editor in August 2012 and Managing Editor in January, (more...)

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