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By       (Page 3 of 3 pages) Become a premium member to see this article and all articles as one long page.   2 comments
Gotta get down to it
Soldiers are cutting us down
Should have been done long ago.
What if you knew her
And found her dead on the ground
How can you run when you know?"


Lest we forget, we're headed toward another tragedy.

Just look at the professional killers King George, Rumsfeld and Cheney have created. They're the National Guard, too.

After 36 years, Ohio continues to be one of the five most politically corrupt Republican-controlled states in the Union.

I can't for the life of me comprehend how a state that includes Cleveland and its Rock & Roll Hall of Fame is overloaded with residents who are so stubbornly GOP-addled they don't seem to be able to figure it out. Some of the people they support are:

Secretary of State Ken Blackwell parlayed his conflict of interests as the state overseer of voting combined with his side job as honcho of the Ohio GOP to become the Yankee Jim Crow - a black Republican who did everything in his power to block the African-American vote in 2004; he's now running for governor.

Congressman Bob Ney played the Money Game with Jack Abramoff in Florida, a relationship that has resulted in several ongoing investigations.

Jean Schmidt, freshman Congresswoman who barely squeaked by her Iraq war hero opponent, stood on the floor of the House as its least junior member and referred to John Murtha, multi-decorated Marine and lifetime public servant, as a "cut and run coward."

Tom Noe, the former state comptroller who swindled pensioners out of millions with a harebrained, unauthorized coin investment scheme, is currently under indictment for funneling more than $45,000 through "blind donors" into the Bush-Cheney 2004 campaign fund.

As we contemplate the past, we must consider its place in the present.

Tuck it away into the pigeonhole of ignorance and we are all -- every and man, woman and child -- doomed.

© 2006, The Lone Star Iconoclast

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An erstwhile Philosopher and sometime Educator, Jerry Tenuto is a veteran of seven years service in the U.S. Army. He holds a BS and MA in Broadcast Communications from Southern (more...)
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