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Canada: Top Ten Things To Love and Hate

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Message Mike Cowie
9. Beer: We may not be Belgium or Germany, but when it comes to smaller local breweries (even if they've mainly been bought up by bigger conglomerates in recent years), we've sure got some fantastic beer here in Canada.

Now if we could just do something about the pathetically puritanical public drinking laws in this country we'd be set.

Oh and, hey, with beer being the most popular drink in the nation and pizza being the most popular food isn't it about time that parliament recognized pizza & beer as our National Meal?

8. Thriving arts: This country has an incredibly vibrant thriving cultural soul. Including:

- world class authors the likes of Margaret Atwood, Michael Ondaatje, Mordecai Richler, Robertson Davies, Alice Munro, Margaret Laurence, Timothy Findley, Douglas Coupland, and William Gibson. And let's not forget great political and environmental writers and activists like Naomi Klein and David Suzuki;

- some of the greatest acts of the rock 'n' roll era, such as The Band, The Tragically Hip, Bruce Cockburn, Ron Sexsmith, Arcade Fire, Rufus Wainwright, and the aforementioned Neil Young, Leonard Cohen and Joni Mitchell;

- great filmmakers such as David Cronenberg, Paul Haggis, Denys Arcand, Deepa Mehta, Bruce McDonald, Don McKellar, Atom Egoyan, Norman Jewison, James Cameron, Sarah Polley, and Guy Maddin;

- an endless supply of hilarious comedians like Mike Myers, Dan Aykroyd, Jim Carrey, John Candy, Seth Rogen, Catherine O'Hara, Russell Peters, Leslie Nielsen, Rick Moranis, Martin Short, Mary Walsh, Rick Mercer, Phil Hartman, Eugene Levy, The Kids In The Hall, Samantha Bee and Jason Jones of The Daily Show With Jon Stewart, and the creator of Saturday Night Live, Lorne Michaels.

In fact, comedians may be what we're most famous for around the world, but we've also produced many other famous and not-so-famous painters, architects, dancers, sculptors, playwrights, and stage & film actors as well.

Finally, largely thanks to government funding, through grants and the National Film Board of Canada, we've produced a large body of incredible documentaries and short films.

For those who like their culture as much as their beer, there's simply a lot to love here.

7. Stephen Lewis and other Great Canadian Heroes:
This country has had its fair share of selfless heroes over the years, most famously Terry Fox and Rick Hansen. But today there are even more Canadians than ever out there doing amazing work helping people around the globe, Stephen Lewis perhaps being the most notable. This former U.N. special envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa now runs a foundation that, since 2003, has been helping in the fight against HIV/AIDS throughout sub-Saharan Africa, a region that has been absolutely devastated by this horrific disease. Working at the grassroots level, the Stephen Lewis Foundation has raised millions of dollars in the past six years, money which has funded over 300 projects in 15 countries, helping tens of thousands of people.

Read more about this Great Canadian here: The Stephen Lewis Rave

And check out The Stephen Lewis Foundation's website here.

Stephen Lewis, of course, is just one of many Canadians doing incredible humanitarian work. Here are a few others who I'd most definitely call personal heroes of mine:

- Jiri Zivny, the B.C. man who died earlier this year while in Cambodia doing humanitarian work;

- Lorrie Williams, the Vancouver woman who runs a charity called the Canadian Harambee Education Society that helps poor girls in Kenya get an education;

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Mike Cowie is a 42-year-old freelance writer, who lives together with his wife and son just outside of Vancouver, B.C. After spending 15 years living, travelling and working overseas Mike returned to live in Canada back in 2004. His final trip, (more...)
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