And the men who staff the militaristic conservative think tanks in Washington "the so called experts "might as well be playing video games for all they know or care about Afghan women. From a woman's point of view, our friends and our enemies in Afghanistan are the same kind of guys; and as long as these Islamist fundamentalists are in power "whether Taliban or mujahidin "women's rights will be a joke and women's lives in jeopardy.
An American military officer once
advised me that I shouldn't bother with "the trivial matter of women's
fate. But I think that advice goes straight to the heart of what's wrong
with American foreign policy. We, or rather our policy makers, think of
war as serious business for big boys; women's issues are just an add-on we may get
to by and by.
But in fact "women's issues are the central concerns of
civil society: clean water, sanitation, food supply, shelter, education, health
care, good governance, justice. Our policy makers put all these things on
hold and busy their minds with more important stuff like troop strength, arms,
and exit ramps. And all of our boy leaders are seduced by the heady
business of playing commander in chief.
Obama is only the latest and most sad. Is it any wonder that our country is always and ever at war somewhere on the planet, while a quarter of our American kids need food stamps to survive? The skewed priorities of our own government, in thrall to the military-industrial-congressional complex, have militarized not only our foreign policy but our domestic life as well.
What are you doing now?
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