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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 11/20/16

Petition asks Department of Justice to Prosecute ND's Governor Dalrymple for Standing Rock Abuses / Tear Gas Video

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Message Stephen Fox
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Susan Morrison President at Susan Morrison Enterprises At the least impeach him

Karla Ruthford Duluth, Minnesota This man has a special place in hell reserved for him

Mark Rhodes: Inexcusably disgraceful treatment of peaceful demonstrators!

Donna Eby Wheat University of Colorado Boulder How many more of these a holes do we have to see... money cant bring back a ruined environment

Ella Quinn Sr. Technical Trainer at Dex Media The whole thing has been handled in a horrible way. Why use violence against peaceful protest? Ignorance. He must be held accountable.

Paula Gomez Retired Teacher at Retired He was obviously paid big bucks to inflict bodily and psychological harm on the peaceful protectors using illegal methods to do so.

Terah Cox Author, Speaker, Coach at Self-Employed Now, more than ever, we must start honoring the only truly Native Americans on our soil. And we must realize that what our earliest generations of white immigrants did to take the land away from them is coming back to haunt us, and will continue to do so until we embrace the value of the native Americans as keepers of the soul of America and the Earth as our mother.

Deb Hofmann Shippensburg University Yes, prosecute. How can anyone justify maligning the First People on this continent?

Nancy J. Nance Charlotte Business College This sounds like Hitler days.

Bob Wallace Hampstead, North Carolina The Europeans took so much from the Native Peoples. How much more can they lose? And then this tone deaf oil supporter?

Grace Weston Photographer Prosecute this man for the inhumane and illegal treatment of those exercising their First Amendment Rights.

Janet Butchko Instructor at Tai Chi Instructor Yes. This man has zero humanity.

Jeathena Lebeau Yes, prosecute!! He is the one who is in the wrong. After found guilty for whole list of charges take all his assets and money to give back to the Standing Rock heroes.

Jewel Booth Cooke Works at Full Time Mother and Wife He is a disgrace

Judy Grell Works at Retired Unacceptable!!

Jefferson Holt Please join us in demanding prosecution.

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