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General News    H3'ed 1/6/11

This Death-Penalty Case Should Give Anyone Pause

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Message Roger Shuler

Russell even chaperoned Jennifer, Katheirne and some of their friends on a recent field trip to Atlanta.

"He was always at school. Anytime I was there, he was there: chaperones, computer labs, science labs you name it--he was always at school," Janet Adwell said.

Is it possible that Ryan Russell, under financial duress and the influence of alcohol, accidentally shot the girl he seemingly cared about so much? The answer appears to be yes, and a psychiatrist testified at a sentencing hearing that Russell told him the shooting was an accident. Those circumstances, of course, do not go to murder--and certainly not capital murder.

Is it possible that someone else on the scene that night had a gun and accidentally shot Katherine? It appears that authorities never seriously considered that possibility, and of course, that scenario would not go to murder either. It might, however, go to a massive wrongful-death lawsuit against the persons or entities responsible.

Are authorities in Shelby County capable of making Ryan Russell a fall guy to help cover up for the negligent or reckless act of someone else? The answer to that, based on our experience, unquestionably is yes.

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I live in Birmingham, Alabama, and work in higher education. I became interested in justice-related issues after experiencing gross judicial corruption in Alabama state courts. This corruption has a strong political component. The corrupt judges are (more...)
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