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Wyatt asked his immediate supervisor what the deal was, why were the honchos messing with his toy design. The response was that Wyatt didn't really think Mattel had sunk that much money into developing a toy; it would never pay for itself.

No, Mattel had failed to inform Wyatt that his project was in fact a prototype for a real live guided missile system - and if it was good enough the U.S. Government was going to use it to kill people.

From a long distance and in mass quantities.

Blowing women, children, men, animals, maybe even soldiers into little pieces, for real.

Weapons of mass destruction, one might call them.

Say, where have we heard that term before?

Not quite the hours of imaginative and thoughtful scientific fun Wyatt had envisioned.

From a dream to a nightmare.

Wyatt stayed on at Mattel for a bit after that revelation, and played along with the big boys. He used the time wisely, sabotaging as much material as possible until absolutely certain the project would be an utter failure.

As soon as he felt his work was through, Wyatt bid a final though less than fond farewell to Mattel. As of 1981, the last time I saw him, he had never worked for another major corporation again.

Since I met Wyatt, I have never had any desire to work for a major corporation.

Now, we were not at war during the entire eight years of President Clinton's administration. At least not outside of our national boundaries.

There were actions in Somalia and Bosnia, of course. We also had some problems in Haiti that needed fixing. Now and again there were the bombing runs over Iraq, just to keep Saddam awake and moving from palace to palace.

Overall, we were just doing what the United States does around the World, being Steve McGarrett and the Five-0 guys (c'mon, the show really sucked the season they added women).

However, since Election Night 2000 our Nation has been in a constant state of war. Sure, there was a period of relative calm between December, 2000 (following the abolishment of the individual's right to vote for the president by Rehnquist's Federalist Supremes) and September, 2001.

If you remember, however, John Ashcroft used that time to attack certain Constitutional Freedoms, such as the 1st Amendment by imploring the FCC to find more reasons to infringe upon the rights of broadcasters and viewers. He also covered priceless artwork that he personally found distasteful with $50 sheets because it glorified the human body - created in God's image, so I've been told.

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An erstwhile Philosopher and sometime Educator, Jerry Tenuto is a veteran of seven years service in the U.S. Army. He holds a BS and MA in Broadcast Communications from Southern (more...)
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