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Essentially, I could be renditioned and completely wiped out just for writing this column.  Hell, according to "Executive Order:  Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq" I could be locked away just for thinking these thoughts!

Likewise, my publisher could be interred for running this!

I've read the EO of July 17, 2007 as well as Georgie's "Message to The Congress of The United States Regarding International Emergency Economic Powers Act."  These documents point out an extremely frightening edict from a person who operates under the grandiose delusions of a dry drunk megalomaniac.

There are so many ambiguities in this broad-sweeping EO that virtually anyone who openly disagrees with executive policy concerning Iraq may be immediately considered an enemy combatant.

As we know from my previous two columns, 'tis more important to swear loyalty to George W. Bush than to the Constitution and laws of our Nation.

The Executive Order of July 17 gives George W. Bush complete dictatorial powers, to be applied unabated however he sees fit.

The next sham attack upon the United States will give Georgie and the Dick all the armament necessary to suspend the Constitution en toto.

These oppressive tyrants and the rest of the slithering miscreant Fascisti will use whatever force available to bring about the complete abolishment of all things uniquely American.

Well, after that happens, at least we won't have to concern ourselves with whom to vote for as president in 2008.

As Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt) told Inquisitor General Al "Gonzo" Gonzales, "I don't trust you," he expressed a sentiment which could easily be expanded as a voice from two-thirds of all Americans aimed directly at all current functionaries within the executive branch.


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An erstwhile Philosopher and sometime Educator, Jerry Tenuto is a veteran of seven years service in the U.S. Army. He holds a BS and MA in Broadcast Communications from Southern (more...)
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