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Coverup In Penn State Sex Scandal Should Not Be A Surprise

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Message Roger Shuler

Administrators in higher education tend to think that lower forms of human life are stupid. But Garrison forgets that I worked at UAB for 19 years and have a pretty good idea of how the place works. The idea to fire me almost certainly did not originate with someone at the level of Anita Bonasera or even Pam Powell. And a manager in the area where I worked, such as Dale Turnbough, is not likely to take action--the kind that would invite a lawsuit--without consulting those above her. Even Garrison is not likely to take the kind of outrageous action found in my case without a push from, or the approval of, the Board of Trustees.

Again, higher ed is a "cover your ass" environment. Penn State officials knew they had criminal trouble on their hands in the Jerry Sandusky case, so they tried to cover it up. UAB officials knew they had significant civil trouble on their hands in my case, so they tried to cover it up--and it's possible that white-collar crimes were committed in the process.

Below is a copy of Anita Bonasera's affidavit in my lawsuit. After that, is a motion I filed, seeking to have bad-faith affidavits stricken and sanctions imposed.

These documents will show you why I am not surprised to know that Penn State officials are facing perjury charges in the Jerry Sandusky case. I've seen similar conduct here in Alabama.

UAB Lawsuit--Anita Bonasera Affidavit
UAB Lawsuit--Motion to Strike Affidavits

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I live in Birmingham, Alabama, and work in higher education. I became interested in justice-related issues after experiencing gross judicial corruption in Alabama state courts. This corruption has a strong political component. The corrupt judges are (more...)
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