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Israel: Fraud in the Supreme Court's computer systems - notice given to Supreme Court Presiding Justice, Shin-Bet Head

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Joseph Zernik
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Both in the US and in Israel, corruption of the courts is central to the current socio-economic crisis, and implementation of fraudulent computer systems in the courts both in the US and Israel is a key tool in enabling judicial corruption. [xv] Both in the US and in Israel, the Secret Service/Shin-Bet are charged with the safeguard of such systems, and current conditions should be deemed breach of loyalty by the judiciary, as a class, and the respective services of both nations.[xvi]

The Human Rights Alert submission to the UN Human Rights Council proposes that in nations, where the separation of branches is instituted, no court should be permitted to implement its own computer systems. Such systems should be implemented under accountability to the legislative branch.


Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)

i 2014-06-04 Letter to Israeli Supreme Court Presiding Justice Grunis and Shin-Bet Head Cohen, in re: Fraud in Israeli Supreme Court computer systems

ii 2013-01-01 The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission for the Universal Periodic Review of Israel by the UN Human Rights Council (2013), as it appears on the UN web site


2013-01-01 The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission, as incorporated into the UN Human Rights Council UPR Periodic Report (2013) with the note "Lack of integrity in the electronic records of the Supreme Court, the district courts and the detainees courts in Israel" (page 4, paragraph 25)


iii 2014-05-26 Request filed with Amnesty International in the case of persecuted Israeli Tax Authority whistle-blower Rafi Rotem


iv 2014-04-23 Rotem v Samet et al (1233/08) in the High Court of Justice: Rotem's request for signed and certified copies of decisions

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Dr Zernik's core research pertains to e-government and its significance for Human Rights and Civil Society.

His work won appreciation in Israel and abroad: * Prof Uzzi Ornan - "All power to you! I hope that you see your tremendous efforts (more...)
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