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Lesser Evils, Psychoses, and the Perils of Voting Your Conscience [Part 1]

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Kevin Gosztola
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The same goes for Obama. People have said he’s just saying that to get elected. Is he? Is there any way to know? Shouldn’t we find out before we get stuck with him for four years?

And if Obama can say whatever he wants to get elected, don't we have to afford McCain the same privilege?

Garrett closes his essay by posing a conundrum and asking people to figure out how they would solve a life or death situation where they had a choice between a young doctor (Obama) and an old doctor (McCain). The old doctor will most certainly kill you because the old doctor has had four malpractice suits. The young doctor is inexperienced but never has committed an error. People have to pick between the two because the doctor who you thought would perform your surgery is out of town.

I have some questions about this scenario.

Does the hospital ask me what surgeon I want to perform surgery? I had surgery recently Mr. Garrett and nobody came to me with a menu of options and said, “Pick one.”

Is it possible to just leave the hospital? May I head to the nearest hospital with the hopes that this hospital doesn’t let doctors with four malpractice lawsuits on their record continue to perform surgery?

And finally, busting out of this farcical scenario, is this election really a matter of life or death? And do you really want to convince people to vote for Obama because it is a matter of life or death? Would you like to continue the “either your with us or against us” mentality by getting people to believe this election is all about national security, an issue that is conflated by the media and one that McCain is stronger on than Obama due to past conduct or experience?

Is anybody really in danger of dying under McCain more so than Obama? Both support war for empire.

Obama surrounds himself with people from hedge funds, hedge funds that have had a hand in the home foreclosure crisis. People who become homeless could die. Obama also supported a bankruptcy bill that helped credit card companies and made it difficult for people to file for bankruptcy. So, based on past conduct, what happens when he is in office? Couldn’t he turn a blind eye to the needs of the people and offer a pro-credit card company or pro-hedge fund solution that ends up leading to the deaths of Americans who are unable to find another home or recover from bankruptcy?

Both side with corporate and special interests. Both pose dangers to America's future because the people nominated the "most viable" over the "best candidate."

Obama may be the best viable candidate in decades, but is that a good thing?

When we think of what positions a candidate has to have to be "viable", doesn't the fact that Obama is "viable" in the same way McCain is "viable" bother us Americans?

Part 2 and Part 3 coming soon.

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Kevin Gosztola is managing editor of Shadowproof Press. He also produces and co-hosts the weekly podcast, "Unauthorized Disclosure." He was an editor for OpEdNews.com
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