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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 8/30/08

The Perfect Blend of Populism and Nationalism

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Kevin Gosztola
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People want so much to change in America, and that's good. But, the people think Obama can be that quick fix. They also do not feel that they must act like IVAW or the immigrant population of America and make demands of Obama.

What will this mean if Obama is elected? If the instance where those got stuck in the pass way is any indication, those who supported Obama will bicker and squabble over what it was that didn't turn around this mess they did not see coming instead of taking responsibility for operating under illusions.

I was illusioned four years ago. I would have voted Kerry if I was of legal age to vote. I operate under less illusions now and that frees me to act independently and push for real participation in power---real freedom.

The people must acknowledge what they know and act on it. Act on it like so many in people in Denver did this past week

*Thank you to all who commented on my past articles on the DNC. I am thinking about going to the RNC because I greatly enjoyed reporting on the DNC. I want to see the differences and similarities between the DNC and RNC. Thanks again.

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Kevin Gosztola is managing editor of Shadowproof Press. He also produces and co-hosts the weekly podcast, "Unauthorized Disclosure." He was an editor for OpEdNews.com
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