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Why The US Endgame for Russia Means the Death of American Democracy

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George Eliason
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The Hearst publishing empire stood squarely behind the China Lobby and pushed anti-communist propaganda, supporting the annihilation doctrine as American policy. This included anointing 'America's Pastor' Billy Graham as the anti-communist crusader: Hearst publications made him an instant national celebrity.

As the Cold War got into gear almost every American individual and Congressperson that read newspapers and magazines were fed a growing frenzy of propaganda that didn't stop until well into the 1980's. To take a soft stand on communism was political suicide.

The first casualty in the assault on American democracy was a free, unbiased press.

During this period, the 1940s-1960s, the first neo-conservatives added to the political fire. Leo Strauss, a staunch nationalist in the Hapsburg tradition and former communist Seymour Martin Lipset (the father of American Exceptionalism), were among the first few political and social scientists pushing nationalism into the political arena and public consciousness. The fight for freedom and democracy that they supported in China was in reality the struggle of ultra-nationalism vs communism. Chiang Kai-shek retained power in Taiwan for a while and formed an ultra-nationalist government. Taiwan didn't start to move toward democracy until the late 1990's.

Luce's assistant, former communist Marvin Liebman, organized the Committee of One Million. It gathered one million signatures to bar Communist China from entry into the UN. The petition was brought to president Eisenhower, who reversed course and made the case for exclusion at the UN. The US government only recognized the Peoples Republic of China in 1979.

Stetsko, the Anti-American

Luce was a die-hard nationalist, anti-communist, Nazi. One of his assistant Marvin Liebman's most intimate contacts in the anti-communist world was Yaroslav Stetsko. The China Lobby and the Committee of One Million were only a few of the projects they worked on together. Another group they founded was the World Anti-Communist League (WACL) along with Chiang Kai-shek supporters. These later worked with the ABN and WACL until the Ukrainian emigres' Ukraine emerged from the collapse of the Soviet Union.

From its start the China Lobby was protected by Joe McCarthy. Any person that disagreed faced his wrath, was labeled a communist and investigated. This provided the nationalists from the US and abroad with enough cover to do whatever they wanted.

Henry Luce was instrumental to the successes of the China Lobby, which included changing US policy from the containment doctrine to the doctrine of annihilation. Because he was in control of such an iconic part of the US media, he almost single handedly changed the social fabric of America. Influential politicians that signed on were former president Herbert Hoover, Richard M. Nixon + over 80 senators and congressmen.

Most of the support came from Americans who stood against the spread of communism. There was no other agenda. In the words of governor Thomas Dewey "If China falls [to communism], we may reasonably assume that all Asia is gone and Western Europe and the America's will stand alone--very much alone in a hostile world."

The propaganda machine engulfed American media. Congressmen took the China Lobby's word for granted that Chiang Kai-shek was democratic as well as anti-communist. Even when they could not hide Taiwan's open nazism, the China Lobby clouded the air: "Whatever may have been the acts of commission and omission attributable to the Nationalist Government in the past, it is a cardinal fact today that China is strenuously fighting the Communist aggression, which is aided and abetted by an oligarchy of international communism abroad and by Communists throughout the World."- "Text of Koo's Statement on China," NYT, 8 Aug. 1949.

Chiang Ki-shek ruled as a life-time president. His dictatorship was marked with continual repression and war preparations to invade mainland China. Taiwan is still not democratic and the government's nationalism is evident even today.

With the loss of China to communism, the China Lobby stormed through Congress at the start of the Korean war to make sure it didn't happen again. This full court press resulted in US involvement in the Korean war.

The Korean War

After WWII, Korea was supposed to be partitioned, the Communists in the north and the ultra-nationalists in the south. In the south the appointed and subsequently elected ultra-nationalist Syngman Rhee wasted no time consolidating power by destroying anyone who opposed him. In the first few months, over 14,000 murders took were committed by his government. Both sides, including the North's Kim ll Sung, wanted to unite the peninsula under one government. North Korea attacked South Korea with overwhelming force.

The Luce-Hearst-Liebman-Stetsko China Lobby wasted no time ratcheting up the propaganda and political pressure in Congress and on the President to act. America could not let "democratic" South Korea fall to communism as it had done to Chiang's China. Christian America went to war against the satanic Godless communists, or at least that was how it was sold.

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George Eliason is an American journalist that lives and works in Donbass. He has been interviewed by and provided analysis for RT, the BBC, and Press-TV. His articles have been published in the Security Assistance Monitor, Washingtons Blog, (more...)

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