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America's Permanent War Agenda: Military Keynesianism on Steroids

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Moreover, since 1998, Pentagon spending doubled. Since 2006, it rose 20%. America spends half or more than the rest of the world combined, and Obama (the peace candidate) spends more than any previous president, waging twice as many wars as George Bush despite no prospect of winning any of them. The idea isn't always to win. It's to fight, the longer the better for huge profits.

At the same time, we're broke, cutting back, slashing public services like education, healthcare, and other social needs, as well as ignoring America's crumbling infrastructure.

America's Addiction to War

Noam Chomsky called Joel Andreas' 2004 book, "Addicted to War: Why the US Can't Kick Militarism:"

An indictment of "the curse of the people - the attackers and the victims. (It) brilliantly tell(s) us why and how we must rid ourselves of this curse, quickly, or else descend to barbarism and destruction."

Howard Zinn said it's a "devastating portrait of US military policy," and

Helen Caldicott called it "an addiction that could, in (the) nuclear age, destroy all life on earth, creating the final epidemic of the human race."

The book chronicles over two centuries of war, now menacing nations globally. It explains who benefits, who pays, who loses, who dies, and why militarists fear peace so create enemies when none exist.

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