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Message Jennifer Hathaway
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Recently a good friend of mine acquired an old book store. She spent some time culling used books from the shelves and cleaning things up, and at the end of it all, had a ton of books that she wanted to get rid of. After having done work with kids in drug rehabs and lockdown schools, I knew that people who are incarcerated love having new stuff to read, so I did the research and finally got her in touch with the appropriate prison librarian. He told her that she had too many books for them to accommodate in the prison’s library. She mentioned how she’d wanted to give the hardcovers to the prison and send the paperbacks overseas to the troops, but couldn’t afford the postage on her shoestring entrepreneurial budget. The librarian said, “I’ll see what I can do.” and hung up. In less than 24 hours, the prisoners had raised over $200 out of their own money for the postage for those paperbacks to go to the troops.


Years ago, I belonged to the local Rotary club. Every week we’d meet for a nice catered lunch with interesting speakers, and every week, I’d see piles of good food that we’d paid for going into the trash at the end of the meeting. So I asked permission in one of the meetings to take the leftovers to the local food bank. Voila, the Rotary Club was now donating to the food bank on a weekly basis. It didn’t cost a thing [except for the gas to take the stuff over], and it led to other initiatives as well.


These are just a couple of ways things can go. Make your own.


Make sure to color outside the lines.


More later.


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Mother of two adult children, freelance artist with fine works in private collections in 20 US states, 7 European countries, Africa, China, and Japan, concerned citizen of the US. Overreaching corporate controls of food, housing, clothing, (more...)
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