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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 6/8/12

More Syrian Blood on Obama's Hands

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"Defense policy in the region calls for the U.S. military to expand military-to-military relationships well beyond the traditional treaty allies."

"By 2020, the Navy will reposture its forces from today's roughly 50/50 split between the Atlantic and Pacific to about a 60/40 split between those oceans - including six aircraft carriers, a majority of our cruisers, destroyers, littoral combat ships and submarines."

At issue is enhancing Washington's regional influence and strength at the expense of China. Russia is Washington's main military rival. Between them, they have about 97% of the world's nuclear arsenal. In addition, they've got sophisticated delivery systems able to target each other's strategic sites.

China also has significant military strength. According to a 2009 Pentagon report, its naval forces alone are formidable.They number at least 260 vessels, including 75 or more major warships and over 60 submarines. 

It also has hundreds of nuclear warheads, sophisticated delivery systems, and other strategic weapons. It's a regional super-power. It's also positioned to surpass America as the world's dominant economy before decade's end.

During last year's November Bali summit, Obama sought anti-China coalition partners. Panetta's on the same mission. America's aim is unchallenged global dominance. 

Middle East/Central Asian wars rage for it. More are planned. An eventual Russia/China showdown looms. Each side seeks strategic partnerships against the other. How it plays out ahead remains to be seen. 

It's hard imagining Washington wants war with any nation able to give as much as it takes. War was never an option under conditions of "mutually assured destruction (MAD)."

It's not likely now, but events sometimes overtake policies. Extremist US hawks believe wars solve all problems. Earlier ones felt the same way. 

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