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The Concept of Evil

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I am not inclined, myself, to credit our religious tradition's personification of these forces as mighty and eternal conscious beings -like God and Satan""possessing benign or malign intent, and standing behind the forces of good and evil at play in the world. To me, these forces have appeared as empirical forces embedded in the dynamics of human systems unfolding through time. These forces seem comprehensible in naturalistic terms, but also so vast and enduring that they require an expansion of our usual narrow perspective for us to perceive them; so subtle and transcendent in their operation that they do seem of a spiritual nature""acting as if they were animated by benign or malign intention.

But whatever the ultimate nature of these forces, the religious traditions of our civilization, it now seems to me, have grasped a most basic truth about how such forces -for good and for evil""act in the world. It no longer seems to me a primitive notion""but rather a factual reality""that there is a battle for the power to shape human affairs between the forces that weave things together well and those that tear things apart.

The traditional religious vision of "the struggle between good and evil" I now see as embodying deep insight, as a way of naming something quite real and most fundamental in shaping our destiny. And calling things by their right names is important -particularly for those things that are at once so difficult for us to grasp on the basis of our immediate and mundane experience and so vital to understanding what's happening in our world and what we are called upon to do to about it.

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Andy Schmookler, an award-winning author, political commentator, radio talk-show host, and teacher, was the Democratic nominee for Congress from Virginia's 6th District. His new book -- written to have an impact on the central political battle of our time -- is (more...)
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