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Action Alert: Calling All Arizona Residents!

By ACER (Arizona Citizens for Election Reform)  Posted by Joan Brunwasser (about the submitter)       (Page 7 of 8 pages) Become a premium member to see this article and all articles as one long page.   No comments
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Manual Count for the Precincts

1. A manual count of ballots shall take place at 5 percent of the
precinct polls, selected at random by a non-computerized lottery method after the polls have closed.

2. The random selection will take place at the central counting center, and the election department shall immediately notify the precincts selected for the manual count.

3. Additional compensation for this duty shall be determined by the County board of Supervisors.

4. The hand count shall include tallies of all federal, state, and
legislative offices, and the offices of County Attorney and County Sheriff, and all propositions appearing on the ballot.

5. The hand count must match the numbers recorded on the tape totalsprinted by the optical scanner. If discrepancies appear in 10 percent or more of the audited precincts, a total hand recount of the entire county would be triggered. The manual count shall be the official tally. A third copy of the precinct ballot report shall be publicly posted at the poll.

Manual Count for Early Mail-In Ballots

6. A manual count of early mail-in ballots shall take place at the
central counting center. A special tally board shall perform a hand count of the 5 percent of randomly selected precincts, immediately after the early ballots, sorted by precinct, have been counted by the automatic tabulating equipment. The manual count shall be the official vote tally.

7. Consistent with the Sept. 2005 GAO Report on federal efforts to improve security and reliability of electronic voting systems, the following recommendations are implemented into law:

A. All electronic voting systems shall use open source code and shall not use any proprietary software code.

B. The Director in charge of elections shall appoint an independent team of computer security experts, not employed by the vendor, to perform a computer security test, concurrent with the logic and accuracy test. This additional test shall check for vulnerability to outside attack, malicious code, remote manipulation of the results, or other security failures of equipment. The County Board of Supervisors shall provide for compensation of the independent computer's security test team.

C. A "no-vote" option shall be printed on the ballot to avoid
unintended undervotes, if the voter does not want to vote on a particular office or issue.

D. A voter-verified paper receipt shall be printed by all touch-screen voting machines, to verify the voter's choice. The receipt shall be deposited in a translucent container at the polling place, and delivered to the central counting center after the polls have closed. The paper receipts shall be retained in the secure container for purposes of counting, in the event that a precinct is randomly selected for a manual count, or if a recount is triggered by statute, or if a manual recount is requested by a candidate.

8. A candidate may request a hand recount of paper ballots if the
result is within 5 percent of the leading candidate's tally.

9. If the number of requested voters for a precinct exceeds 1800
voters, the County Board of Supervisors shall divide the precinct into two portions. Each portion shall be served by a separate election board, and both portions shall vote in a single voting place.

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Joan Brunwasser is a co-founder of Citizens for Election Reform (CER) which since 2005 existed for the sole purpose of raising the public awareness of the critical need for election reform. Our goal: to restore fair, accurate, transparent, secure elections where votes are cast in private and counted in public. Because the problems with electronic (computerized) voting systems include a lack of (more...)

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