Caricature of President Barack Obama
The American people when polled recently overwhelmingly said they didn't want any new war in Iraq.
To that acknowledgement, "dear leader" Barack Obama authorized air strikes last Thursday in Iraq but endlessly repeated, "No ground forces will be sent".
Ah, hello? Are you there; apparently not?
As for you the American people, by now you must realize you are thoroughly disregarded from what your government says or does in your name. Even the most dimwitted souls among us has to realize, to your government you are nothing, nada, something to be ignored, fed palliatives and dismissed out of hand.
We're a "democracy" so "something" has to be said to the people by "dear leader" before he heads off to Martha's Vineyard for a two week golf and beach vacation.
As usual the air strikes are for "humanitarian" purposes, dropping food and water while we drop 500 pound bombs on the latest bad guys, ISIS and its Sunni radical Muslim jihadists.
As for any "authorization" to send in air strikes hey we're America, the exceptional, indispensible country, we act anywhere we want. Besides in Iraq although we may have withdrawn our troops in 2011 we still have our "interests" there, what with our big oil boys profits in potential jeopardy if the ISIS "terrorists" take over that part of Iraq.
But really-one hates to have to say this considering we sowed the seeds for this current chaos enveloping Iraq or for that matter Syria, even the brutal Israeli assault on Gaza despite the horror, misery, death and destruction we've left in our wake-the main event is happening about a thousand miles to the NNW in Ukraine where the US backed proxy government is conducting an ethnic cleansing genocide campaign against the ethnic Russian speaking Ukrainians in eastern Ukraine, a campaign meant to provoke Russia's Vladimir Putin to react, take the bait and invade the country.
That's where the most critical crisis is occurring because provoking a war with Russia could very well be nuclear and that madness must be prevented lest America initiate a nuclear winter annihilating all life and ourselves in the process.
A nuclear first strike on Russia is I believe the grand master plan being contemplated by the neo-con crazies holding forth in Washington. How to prevent this from happening-as I wrote last week, "A Most Dire Question, How to Prevent the Real War to End All Wars"?, OPEDNEWS, August 6, 2014 becomes the most important issue facing the world.
For sure, in that previous article I wrote, "Of course it's all insane, but maybe, just maybe the Germans and the French and other countries-that have not thoroughly succumbed to US hegemony will have the courage to reject US machinations provoking war with Russia and with this latest incident of the downing of the Malaysian plane recognize the truth for what it is, it was downed by a Ukrainian jet fighter, that it's the US and its CIA are the masters pulling the strings in Kiev-and their governments must band together to prevent the real war to end all wars and possibly all life with it."
I'm not one to simulate "Chicken Little" muttering the sky is falling.
But all life is on the line with a potentially ominous nuclear war in our sights. Have we not reached the point of no return?
The rest of the world has to see what's happening. The American colossus has gone completely mad. There's no other way to put it. The madness has to be stopped.
If you dear readers have any ideas, don't hesitate to voice them. And if you have evidence that dispels what's written in this piece please step right up to the plate and let her rip.