killed his own people peacefully protesting!" Sound familiar?
Substitute 'Gaddafi' for 'Assad,' and one is on one's way to bring to mind
so many other similarities made to be forgotten in TV, radio and
printed news and entertainment of Western media, media owned by
corporations profitably investing in the illegal and unconstitutional
use of US Armed Forces and CIA. CIA creation and use of 'Islamic' terror is reviewed.
euphemism 'The Arab Spring' was concocted in Western media after
massive rebellions against brutal and hated Western backed and beholden
dictators in Tunisia, Egypt and Yemen, where huge popular uprisings of up to
hundreds thousands protested for jobs, food, a decent society, and against
extreme poverty in the case of Egypt and Yemen. Since the season
'spring' arrives everywhere and not only in nations run by Western
backed dictators helping the foreign banks plunder th eir countries'
economy, one would have to expect the
colonial powers to 'spring' something on Arab countries that were free
of Western speculative banking control - in order to balance the books so to
imperialist media, murderous American backed dictators in Asia and
America were always balanced off in media managed minds by calling
revolutionary leaders, who had freed their people of American plundering
and financial, political and
military control, 'brutal dictators' , as well. So monopoly media captive audiences was told that Cuba and Vietnam were suffering under terrible 'c o m
m u n i s t s' Fidel Castro and Ho Chi Minh.
and Vietnamese await a return to the joys of capitalism, colonialism,
and benevolent rule by gangs of thieves associated with pseudo
democracy and freedom for predatory investors.
Not so with the citizens of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria, who
are fortunate enough to have been rescued from foolish independence,
self-rule and intolerable socialist benefits .
"The War against Syria was Planned Two years before "The Arab Spring": says former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas in a one minute video
France's Former Foreign Minister: UK Government Prepared Two years before "The Arab Spring"... Jun 15, 2013 - Uploaded by Eretz Zen
Researcher Gearà ³id " Colmà ¡in reports to us:
is not the first time that Roland Dumas has spoken out against wars of
aggression waged by successive French regimes. In 2011 he revealed that
he had been asked by the United States when he was foreign minister in
the Mitterrand administration to organize the bombing of Libya. On that
occasion the French refused to cooperate. Dumas, a lawyer by
profession, offered to defend Colonel Gaddafi, at the International
Criminal Court in the event of his arrest by Nato.
[Former French Foreign Minister: The War against Syria was Planned Two years before "The Arab Spring" Global Research, 6/13/2015}
the first months of bloodshed in Syria, this archival research peoples
historian working for former US Attorney Ramsey Clark, compiled:
Syria: CIA, M16, French, Mossad, Saudi Involvement Unreported In Imperialist Media, 6/27/2011, Counter Currents, Kerala, India: Synopsis:
What is unfolding in Syria is an armed insurrection supported
covertly by foreign powers including the US, Turkey and Israel. Armed
insurgents belonging to Islamist organizations have crossed the border
from Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. The US State Department has confirmed
that it is supporting the insurgency. A monolithic unified slant media
cartel restricts reports to accusations of indiscriminate killing of civilian
protesters by Syrian government.
now, end of 2015, possibly a million times, has the world has heard the
refrain 'Assad killed his own people' led by chorus master, Barack
Obama, the
American empire's first non-white complexioned Commander-in-Chief, who
outspoken fellow African-American Rev. Cornel West calls "a black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs and a black
puppet of corporate plutocrats, proud that he has become head of the
American killing machine."
years ago your author was fortunate enough to have seen part of a local
Syrian telecast to its own people showing moments in a video in which
shadowy figures way up on roof tops were caught in the camera's lens
shooting down into the crowds. Well, never mind, I have not been able to
locate it for my
readers, but a much more convincing example of false flag shooting
into crowds was discovered during the US EU backed fascist goons overthrow of the democratically elected
government of the Ukraine in Kiev just prior to an
upcoming election. It is mentioned here only to note that CNN and the
other five media conglomerates are not going to have its audiences see
anything from the 'other sides' media that might tend to corroborate
what Martin Luther King said about his government being the greatest
purveyor of violence in the world, just as no one has heard those
scathing words of King in mainstream media during the forty-five years
since he earned earned that bullet to his head.
Syrian President, mild mannered former medical
doctor, Bashar al-Assad, now in his fourth year of condemnation by
Western politicians and media, has always insisted that "there were no such peaceful demonstration."
Interestingly, Assad's words regarding the attack on his country, Syria, had been the title of yours truly's day by day research of reports of all news agencies during the first months of the attack on Libya, published as :
like Assad, had been accused of 'killing his own people,'
(after Gaddafi had made sure they all
owned their own homes, had fine free health care, free education through
PhD, a decentralized real socialist peoples democracy[1] with a
constitution that forbade wage labor, abundant water from a miraculously
harnessed underground river that was greening the desert, and making
Libya the 52nd Highest Quality of Life nation in the world by UN index,
higher than nine European nations including Russia, all this
accomplished by using Libya's oil income,
which Gaddafi had 'stolen' from British and French multinationals. If
that wasn't indictment enough for the West to take him down, with that
oil income Gaddafi had also been funding the fight against violent European
methods of maintaining its exploitation of Africa, had rebuilt the
African Union, of which he was Chairman, had refused to cooperate and
was blocking US AFRICOM, and was beginning to mint part of Libya's State
Bank 44 billion in gold in league with Iran to replace commercial
transactions in US dollars. Add to all that Gaddafi's having, in his
2009 address to the UN General Assembly, called for investigation and
Nuremberg justice and compensation for all victims of UN assisted US
NATO criminal bombings and invasions beginning with Korea and the UN
torching of Palestine with the Partition scare.
I refer my readers to my day by day chronicle
of Libya's fight against the same kind of heavily armed Islamic terrorist gangs
that have been attacking America's targeted enemies Syria and Shiites
over the last four years, without being able to overthrow Assad's
government or diminish his support.
have never showed the world one single video or photo as actual proof
that Libya soldiers had fired upon civilians either in Benghazi or later
as the Libyan army easily liberated towns overrun by the 'rebels.' On
the other hand horrific atrocities committed by those tough looking
'rebels' in heavily armed pick-up trucks were shown on Internet and were
well documented. by BBC
and Reuters (before BBC and Reuters began showing solidarity with CNN
lies). They reported fifty Libyan dark skinned soldiers executed after
the first day
of violence, and a video was posted on Internet showing beheading and
tortuous treatment of many dark skinned soldiers.When the colonial
powers bombing show was over and Gaddafi dead following the slaughter of
his grandchildren, though a near million Libyans out of a population of
six had wildly demonstrated their support for Gaddafi and Libya's Green
Book. Long time Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi publicly
announced that Libyan leader Gaddafi
was loved by his people and that the rebellion that toppled him was not
a popular uprising. Powerful men decided to put out Gaddafi."
back to the topic of Syria, your author was struck by an amazingly
honest and candid US Senator Richard Black of Virginia in his letter to
President Assad:
From Syria's government news agency, SANA, datelined November 17, 2015:
SANA -- President Bashar al-Assad on November 17, 2015, received a
letter from U.S. Senator for the State of Virginia Richard Black a
letter in which he said "I
was pleased by the Russians' intervention against the armies invading
Syria. With their support, the Syrian Army has made dramatic strides
against the terrorists."
was delighted by Syria's resounding victory over ISIS at the Kuwairis
Airfield. My compliments to those who heroically rescued 1,000 brave
Syrian soldiers from certain death."
The Senator asserted that the war on Syria was not caused by domestic unrest, saying "It
was an unlawful war of aggression by foreign powers determined to force
a puppet regime on Syria. General Wesley Clark, former Supreme Allied
Commander Europe, revealed that by 2001, Western powers had developed
plans to overthrow Syria.
after fifteen years of military subversion, NATO, Saudi Arabia and
Qatar still cannot identify a single leader who enjoys popular support
among the Syrian people."
powers have no right to overturn legitimate elections and impose their
will on the Syrian people. Syrians alone must determine their destiny,
free of foreign intervention. I am disappointed that the UN has turned a
blind eye to the unlawful interference in Syria's internal affairs,"
He went on to note that
the war began, Syria had the greatest religious freedom and women's
equality of any Arab people. Many Americans are surprised to learn that
the Syrian Constitution provides for free elections, religious freedom,
women's rights, and the Rule of Law.
criticizing Syria, the U.S. might first insist that our allies --
Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and Kuwait -- grant similar freedoms to
their own people."
voiced disappointment that the United States answered the Russian
assistance for Syria by sending anti-tank TOW missiles to terrorists,
which would only prolong said, criticizing the folly of arming "good
terrorists"... adding that "the
irresponsible deployment of TOW missiles threatens aviation around the
world, as anti-tank weapons have long range and can target and destroy
passenger planes that are taking off."
said that as a Senator for Virginia, he feels worry because such
missiles can find their way to remote areas near airports like Reagan
National Airport and Dallas International Airport, adding that he
relayed these concerns to the American President.
The Senator went on to say that "it
is becoming clear to people that the terrorists in Syria are receiving
military support from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, and that Turkey
is the most loyal backer of ISIS as it represents the main channel for
the flow of jihadists, weapons, and trade," adding that "Turkey
also hasn't offered anything significant to the performance of the
proposed alliance against ISIS despite being a member of it."
cruel treatment of captured Syrian soldiers by armed groups is
appalling. Many Americans find the behavior of these so-called
'moderates' morally abhorrent.
Virginians join in praying that the Syrian Arab Army and its allies
will triumph over the forces of evil, and that peace will soon return to
Syria," concluding the letter with
"Thank you for protecting the lives of Christians and of all good people of Syria."
Syria and Libya were attacked, it was CIA darling and Reagan and
Rumsfeld's '"Most Favoured Nation" trading status partner Saddam
Hussein, who after dutifully invaded US designated enemy
for eight years, was suddenly (after years of closed eyes) noticed to
have been "killing his own people." (in this case gassing them with the
chemicals the US provided him with).
in the case of Korea, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, Saddam killing his
own people in Iraq made it perfectly okay for US to invade and kill two
and a half millions of Saddam's own people, destroy their country, steal
a lot of its oil, and create four million Iraqi refugees.
drummed up, but by law indefensible, excuses for the US genocidal
occupation war in Iraq (a blatant violation of Nuremberg Principles of
International Law, the kind for which Nazis were hanged) is terminally
illustrated by a famous moment during the March 24, 2004 annual
black-tie dinner of the Radio and Television Correspondents Association
in Washington. The main speaker was President Bush, one year into his
ordered Iraq war, with tens of thousands Iraqis and 500 Americans
already dead.
In the middle of his stand-up routine Bush showed on a screen behind photos of himself smiling: "Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere!" as
Bush was seen looking behind drapes and under his desk to the laughter
and applause from the journalist audience. [Nation Magazine 4/7/2004]
In Iraq, a year or so later saw the US arming and funding Sunni Muslims for
the second time (the first time having been in Afghanistan). In this
second case in Iraq, it was to terrorize Shiites and fight the Shiite
militia of Shiite cleric Muqtada al Sadr, who was fighting the US
occupation. Many of these Sunnis paid to be on the US side, had
originally fought and killed American troops in Iraq and would later
surface as 'rebel forces' in Libya and eventually be invading Syria to
fight Shiites as members of one of the various Islamic state groups.
This is no secret and many newspapers besides independent journalists
have chronicled this Odyssey of battle hardened terrorists.
reader will have already guessed, imagined or have read where heavy
weapons, Toyoda trucks, upkeep and financial incentive of these
jihadists came from and still comes from. And it never need to have to
come directly from the CIA itself. The CIA has partnering organizations
in most countries, and whatever
happens anywhere in the superpower ruled world happens under the
watchful eyes of the ubiquitous CIA, which feeds US media .
would suppose there might even be a few older Wahabi terror warriors in
Syria now, who as youngsters were once criminally invited into
Afghanistan by Zbigniew Brzezinsky, President Carter's Adviser (David
Rockefeller close confidant), invited in for jihad against the Soviets
who had been suckered* into coming to defend its ally and neighbor
Afghanistan, which at the time had a still popular women liberating
socialist government in Kabul[1] being attacked under CIA leadership.
*Years later, Brzezinski would brag about frightening the Soviets into a trap in an interview for Le Nouvel Observateur (1998).
Brzezinski: "Yes.
According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen
began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded
Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now,
is completely otherwise: Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President
Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the
pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the
president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was
going to induce a Soviet military intervention."
[How Jimmy Carter and I Started the Mujahideen
by Jeffrey St. Clair and Alexander Cockburn, Counterpunch, 1/15/1998.]
former director of the CIA, Robert Gates, also stated in his memoirs
["From the Shadows"], that American intelligence services began to
covertly aid the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan 6 months before the Soviet
by high American officials self indicting themselves as criminals for
future trial under International Law is now common- so great is their
confidence of never being prosecutable for being under the umbrella of
America's enforced exceptionalism.
author remembers a newspaper photo of the bodies of three men face
down, hands wired behind their back, the caption describing teachers
executed by hill tribes in Afghanistan opposed to the government program
of extending education of children to include girls as well as boys. I
recall quite for sure that at the time I saw this photo, the Soviet
Armed Forces had not yet entered Afghanistan, Nothing was known of the
cowardly attack by CIA along with Pakistani and Saudi Arabian secret
services, arming and training war lord led tribes to wage civil war on
an Afghan government friendly to the United States that was at that time
intensely popular with the great majority of the population.[according
to the widely recognized authority on the subject, Robert Fisk, in his
The Great War for Civilization: The Conquest of the Middle East,
published in 2005]
the Soviet forces pulled out of Afghanistan, it still took the US,
Pakistan and Saudi backed war lord forces two more years to conquer the
Kabul government, and then immediately came the even more disastrous
civil war between the American backed war lords with rocketing and
shelling and destruction taking place within a society become lawless
with stealing and raping going on unabated for four horrific years. In
1996 the Taliban ('student' in Arabic and Persian) was born. The most
often-repeated story and the Taliban's own story of how Mullah Omar
first mobilized his followers is that in the spring of 1994, neighbors
in Singesar told him that the local governor had abducted two teenage
girls, shaved their heads, and taken them to a camp where they were
raped. 30 Taliban (with only 16 rifles) freed the girls, and hanged the
governor from the barrel of a tank.[The Taliban Phenomenon, by
Matinuddin, Kamal, Oxford University Press, pp. 25--6]
Taliban, after a year of fighting, founded the Islamic Emirate of
Afghanistan that was recognized by three countries. Taliban succeeded in
eradicating most of the opium production by 2001, when the 9/ll attack
gave the USA a pretext for invading Afghanistan and installing a
Quisling drug lord supported government. For the last fifteen years a US
led coalition of troops backed by every single nation of Caucasian population in the world, even tiny Lichtenstein, Andorra and Monaco, has
warred against the forces of the overthrown government Taliban that
still control much of the country. Of course again we hear the familiar
refrain "Taliban are killing their own people," which makes it okay or
necessary for good white people to kill bad Afghans in the own beloved
country, even as the New York Times reports regularly on the many
children freezing and starving to death outside the comfortable barracks
of Western soldiers. To no avail did Ramsey Clark have yours truly
Kids Freezing To Death In Kabul. A U.S. Christian President Ignores Them? jay janson, OpEdNews, Dec. 3, 2009, and
Afghan Kids Still Freeze to Death, jay janson, Come Home America, Feb. 7, 2012
Americans must also be held prosecutable for the many lives lost as a
near million refugees from four Middle Eastern countries targeted by the
US for 'regime change' flee to Europe - seven, counting poor Yemen,
being bombed as we read, and poor Lebanon and Palestine always suffering
deadly violence.
the very clear and concise definitions of crimes against humanity and
crimes against peace in the universally signed on to Nuremberg
Principles of International Law, which are an integral part of the
Charter of the United Nations and the US Constitution, no American
president commander-in-chief, or financier, or soldier, or media
personality has yet been hanged. (Five Nazi media personalities were
convicted at Nuremberg.)
"Launching a war of aggression (like Rockefeller's man, Brzezinsky advised Rockefeller backed President Carter to order in Afghanistan) "is a crime that no political or economic situation can justify."
were the words of Justice Jackson, the chief U.S. prosecutor for the
Nuremberg Tribunal. Also, Chief Counsel for the Prosecution, General
Telford Taylor once told the Head of CBS Foreign Desk, that he would
have been "proud to prosecute the American flyers shot down while bombing Vietnam."[Bomber Pilot McCain: War Heroism or War Crimes, Robert Richter, Institute for Public Accuracy, 2008]
Benjamin Ferencz, also a former chief prosecutor for the Nuremberg Trials, declared that "a
prima facie case can be made that the United States is guilty of the
supreme crime against humanity -- that being an illegal war of aggression
against a sovereign nation." The conduct and the consequences of the Iraq war are subsumed under "Crimes against Peace and War" of
Nuremberg Principle VI, which defines as crimes against peace "(i)
Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a
war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;
(ii) Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment
of any of the acts mentioned under (i)." In the section on war crimes,
Nuremberg Principle VI includes "murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of
war or persons on the seas, killing of hostages, plunder of public or
private property."
criminal abuse of prisoners in U.S. military prisons in Iraq,
Afghanistan and Guantanamo are clear evidence of ill- treatment and even
murder. According to the organization Human Rights First, at least 100
detainees have died while in the hands of U.S. officials in the global
"war on terror," eight of whom were tortured to death. As for the
plunder of public or private property, there is evidence that even
before the war started, members of the Bush administration had already
drawn up plans to privatize and sell Iraqi property, particularly that
related to oil.
Americans one day be hanged as were Nazi military, ministers and media
personalities? (Hitler escaped hanging by suicide.) Noam Chomsky has said all US presidents starting with Truman could have been hanged if tried by those same laws that Nazis were tried under.
present US President's family pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright was seen by
perhaps a billion TV viewers in a repeatedly shown video shouting, "God damn America for her crimes against humanity." Likewise did 2008 GOP Presidential candidate Ron Paul receive weeks long prime time news coverage repeating, "All
bombings, invasions and occupation starting with Korea were illegal,
unconstitutional, criminal apart from the appalling insensate loss of
specie homo sapiens has demonstrated an intelligence infinite in
scope. US NATO using the UN has brought about a great amount of
genocide for the tightly insane speculative banking industry elite's
accumulation of capital and power. The shift in the world balance of
economic power Eastward and Southward already under way will will
eventually disable US power to sanction victim nations and control a
reconstitued United Nations. Humanity can expect revamped courts of
Nuremberg Principles of International Law will come to be adjudicating
lawsuits for millions of unlawful deaths, tens of millions of injuries
and deformities, mega massive destruction property and grand theft of
natural resources, and awarding such a inconceivably high rate of
compensation, indemnity, reparations and punishment, which will forever
make investment in weapons of mass destruction and the murderous use of a
nations armed forces and secret services worse than just unprofitable.
former US Attorney General, who oversaw the writing of both major civil
rights acts has asked people throughout the world to at least start
thinking about justice for the victims of the deadly violence Americans
have been championing in order to maintain the privileges and pleasures
that come from the immense profits of unjust predatory investments. We
close out review of recent Middle East history with an article Att. Gen.
Ramsey Clark inspired this author to write
End Note
1. Gaddafi's Libya was Africa's Most Prosperous Democracy
Contrary to
popular belief, Libya, which western media described as "Gaddafi's
military dictatorship", was in actual fact one of the world's most
democratic States.
nation State of Libya was divided into several small communities that
were essentially "mini-autonomous States" within a State. These
autonomous States had control over their districts and could make a
range of decisions including how to allocate oil revenue and budgetary
funds. Within these mini autonomous States, the three main bodies of
Libya's democracy were Local Committees, People's Congresses, and
Executive Revolutionary Councils.
In 2009, Mr.
Gaddafi invited the New York Times to Libya to spend two weeks observing
the nation's direct democracy. Even the New York Times, which was
always highly critical of Colonel Gaddafi, conceded that in Libya, the
intention was that "everyone is involved in every decision"Tens of
thousands of people take part in local committee meetings to discuss
issues and vote on everything from foreign treaties to building
schools." The purpose of these committee meetings was to build a broad
based national consensus.
step up from the Local Committees were the People's Congresses.
Representatives from all 800 local committees around the country would
meet several times a year at People's Congresses in Mr. Gaddafi's
hometown of Sirte to pass laws based on what the people said in their
local meetings. These congresses had legislative power to write new laws
and formulate economic and public policy, as well as ratify treaties
and agreements.
1977 the people of Libya proclaimed the Jamahiriya or "government of
the popular masses by themselves and for themselves." The Jamahiriya was
a higher form of direct democracy with 'the People as President.'
Traditional institutions of government were disbanded and abolished, and
power belonged to the people directly through various committees and